Friday, November 30, 2007

Letter After 9/11

Dear Editor:

As Americans from all walks of life set differences aside and unite behind the President, there are some who chastise, denigrate and somehow blame those who believe, live, or see the world differently.

My father, who passed away last year, served and was wounded in WWII so his family could live free. My brother and I both served during Vietnam for those same principles. We didn’t serve so a small group of fanatics could wrap themselves in flag and Bible and demand everyone agree with them in order to qualify to wear the mantle of being an American. That’s what we were fighting against!

As the nation unites and stands shoulder to shoulder for liberty and freedom, how dare they tell me that if I’m gay, love God differently, or disagree with their views, I’m not welcome to or worthy of a place in that line? I’m an American and love this country. If I thought for an instant my presence on this earth contributed to this disaster, I’d no longer be here! My God is not that cruel!

Those who’re different don’t threaten liberty and freedom. They’re its champions! How do these fanatics define liberty and freedom?

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