Saturday, February 16, 2008


Demanding schools display the Ten Commandments (four of which speak to realtions with God) shows disrespect and intolerance toward other faiths and beliefs. Disrespect and intolerance are the root of our problems. This doesn't resolve the problems. It compounds them.

If the Commandments are displayed, will we allow exerpts from Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Church of the Creator, Sun Worshippers, Wiccans, etc. Constitutionally we won't have a choice. Confusing messages?

Morality isn't about rigid adherence to rules and ritual. Christ took us beyond that. Morality's about how we treat and respect each other. Unconditional love, respect and tolerance are the core of Christian spirituality. Those unable to overcome fear, hatred and prejudice resort to ritualistic, legalistic nitpicking and turn Christianity into something hateful, divisive and coercive.

The problem isn't in the schools. When the young hear relgious leaders, parents, civic leaders and other adults(?) spouting hate, inolerance and prejudice, the seeds are sown.

Let the light of unconditonal Christian love shine forth and there'll be no need for coercion. Moraltiy lies in the heart not in external displays. Is simply promoting "Respect Thy Neighbor" too hypocritical for the Religious Riech?

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