Saturday, January 19, 2008


John Beardsley's Aug. 16 letter is a great display of ignorance in the defense of prejudice. He states: "Homosexual behavior is chosen, contrary to tainted teachings otherwise." "They (homosexuals) are anti-God, anti-social and anti-human."

All behavior involves choice. Sexual orientation isn't sexual behavior and doesn't involve choice. A homosexual who never engages in sexual behavior is still a homosexual. Sexual activity doesn't determine sexual orientation. Sexual orientation determines sexual attraction. Sexual behavior's a private matter (Family Policy Council).

By tainted I assume he means anything that disagrees with what he's decided is true. Forget facts and logic.

Belief in God isn't restricted to Christians. One can be Christian without agreeing with Mr. Beardsley. There are many Gay and Lesbian Christians. Others of different faiths believe in God or Creator. Besides there is no religious requirement for United States citizenship (religious freedom).

Fighting for their legitimate place in society hardly makes them anti-social. Denying people their place in society is anti-social. Ignorance, hatred and prejudice are anti-social and anti-human behaviors (choice).

Homosexuals have existed in every society and culture throughout History. Aren't Gay and Lesbian people also human?

Mr. Beardsley's attitudes seem anti-human, anti-social and anti-American. Would God approve?

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