Friday, January 11, 2008


I've a more appropriate alternative to displaying the ten commandments. One commandment is at the heart of the world's great religions. (Except for those hung up on words and legalisms and unable to fathom the message.) It's the bedrock of Democracy and is also the Great Commandment of the New Covenant of the gospels. It's "Love thy Neighbor." Since love must be based on respect, let's display "Respect thy Neighbor" in schools, courtrooms and public places. Historically, wars, genocide, hatred, prejudice and intolerance have resulted from denial of this commandment. Mutual respect and tolerance can resolve most problems.

Christian(?) fundamentalists have gotten lost on the words and legalisms of Scripture, blaming problems on everything but the hardness of their own hearts. Those beliefs know no reality and are even at odds with it. Only through the love of the New Covenant of the Gospel can it be real. Accepting only those with whom we agree isn't love. It's narcissism. Nations can't be Christian. They're about earthly power. God's kingdom is not of this earth.

Judgemental, legalistic, money and power oriented beliefs failed to recognize Jesus 2,000 years ago and demanded His crucifixion. They still wouldn't recognize Him today.

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