Saturday, January 19, 2008

PREFER THEIR HATE (RCJ Sept. 22, 2001)

I'm bewildered at some of the responses to my recent editorial and letters. John Beardsley and Ernest Foss rewrote what I had said, then chastised me for what they had written.

And from where did Don Kopp pull out evolution? My recent writings never mentioned it. Was this just a not-so-clever attempt to change the subject because he couldn't argue against what I had written? if he wants to write against evolution, he doesn't need an imaginary quote from me to justify his silly arguments.

If they read and comprehend the Bible the way they did my editorial, no wonder they've got it so screwed up.

Ann Landers was right. You can't reason with religious fanatics. They see what they want to see, hear what they want to hear, imagine the worst of everyone, and condemn everyone based upon those imaginings.

They talk about loving homosexuals. If that's their idea of love, I prefer their hatred. At least it's upfront, honest and you know where you stand.

By the way, moral absolutes are positive, not negative. God's Love, if accepted and allowed to flow through, is positive, absolute, and not ambiguous. God is Love!

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