Monday, January 28, 2008

NO LONGER SILENT (RCJ Nov. 11, 2003)

We're glad the Hots Springs committee informed us they don't hate Homosexuals (Oct. 26 letter). It's so difficult to tell otherwise.

My sexual orientation is part of who I am. It is not chosen.

"Hate the sin, but love the sinner" is a prejudicial statement in this context. It presumes and prejudges actions and behaviors without context or knowledge of what or why. It is based solely on who I am. If I never acted on my sexual attractions, I would still be a Homosexual.

Heterosexual activity can have the same negative consequences as homosexual. Are we to condemn all heterosexuals?

By condemning my sexual orientation, you condemn me. By denigrating my ability to love, you denigrate me. By denying my right to relationships, you deny me. By ridiculing my intimacy, you ridicule me.

They are not affecting sin. They're destroying lives.

When you deny people a place in the sun, you've no right to chastise them for trying to survive in the shadows. Knocking someone down, then cursing them for being on the ground isn't love or truth.

We can no longer remain silent to the mental, emotional and spiritual abuse inflicted on our youth. Enough is enough! Stop the abuse!

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