Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Chad Orton's May 5 letter accused me of intolerance and attacking Christian faith for criticising fundamentalists' agendas.

First: He can't have it both ways. Advocating agendas of hatred, discrimination and intolerance and then, accusing as intolerant those who criticise those views is absurd and hypocritical.

Second: There is a difference between criticism and intolerance. Expressing one's views isn't the same as demonizing, discriminating and passing judgement. I respect his right to his beliefs no matter how irrational, unrealistic or absurd. However, he hasn't the right to employ legal or illegal coercion to limit the boundaries of other's beliefs. That threatens all faith.

Finally: I'm not attacking Christian faith. I'm defending it against those who wrap it around ignorance, fear, hatred, prejudice and inhibition; call it morality; then, use it to demonize, dehumanize, diminish and persecute others.

The Religious Reich hasn't a copyright on Christian faith. Ignorance, hatred and intolerance aren't moral absolutes or even Christian. Their vision of God's Kingdom on earth more closely resemble a vision of Hell. Remember the Inquisition! (The Anti-Christ will come in sheep's clothing.)

Given the earthly power they seek, what would they do with dissenters? And, what would they do about me?

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