Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Unrepentant Judgementalists, Rapid City Journal, July 31, 2005

Recent letters claim heterosexuals don't announce their orientation. Heterosexuals announce it every moment because it's part of their identity. Just as being homosexual is my identity. It's who I am!

They claim homosexuals wouldn't have problems if they remained silent. Been there! Done that! For too long we've been bullied and intimidated into silence by dogmatic and "unrepentant judgementalists." That silence has allowed these bullies to define, stereotype and diminish our existence based on ignorance, fear, prejudice and hate. They would reduce us to projections of their vile imaginations.

Silence steals our individuality, self respect and dignity. It denies our human reality.

We won't be defined by those for whom reality is relative to selective beliefs flowing from fear, hatred and exploitation. And which faith is subservient to personal, political and economic ambitions utilizing the "bearing of false witness" toward other people.

Religious freedom demands everyone live their lives according to their own beliefs and respect other's right to do the same.

The God of Love doesn't deny the reality He created. I'm real. I love. I exalt in being part of His Love. I'll not remain silent before the sacrilege of "unrepentant judgmentalists" who diminish or condemn that love.


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