Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Comin' From the Country (1973)

Comin from the country everything's so new.
The buildings are tall and the sky's not quite as blue.
Comin from the country do I seem new to you?
You all talk strangely here.
Do I talk different too?

Comin' from the country
It's all I've ever known.
I've loved the grass on bare feet
And watching a small green haze
Take over after the seed was sown.

If I were from a city,
Maybe I wouldn't miss the sound
Of birds or the blade of grass.
But comin' from the country
That's the content of my soul.
The golden haze of dawn
And the fire sky at night
Mean more to me than coal gray skies
And air that ain't quite right.

The people here seem different too.
Callous from the bumps and hurts of livin' in this stew.
It teems with life, but all seems dead.
Has livin' left you too?

A horse, a cow, a moonlit night,
A dog, a cat, the midnight rat;
Each has his place; some in darkness, some in light.

But the flea bitten pigeon still looks for a home.
The symbol of a city, lost and alone.

Comin' from the country
It all seems so strange.
But, if I were comin' from a city,
Would it all rearrange?

Hell is where you're at.
Heaven's where you've been.
Nirvana's somewhere up ahead.
And Livin's somewhere in between!

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