Tuesday, January 29, 2008

WHAT IS NATURAL? (Feb. 3, 2004)

Elliott Christopherson (Jan. 20 Letter) has called me twisted, blatantly perverted, evil, unnatural, sinful, etc. But suggesting his comments might be hateful is a "rabid, unfair, personal attack." Really now?

He claims: "Homosexuals are unnatural. Prove me wrong."

What is natural? How we perceive things should be? Or, how they actually exist in nature? Christopherson defines natural through his religious beliefs. "That's how it supposed to be." Well, "It ain't necessarily so."

Homosexuals have existed in every society (an accepted, celebrated part of most) throughout History. That suggests it's a natural phenomenon. Speaking from experience, it isn't chosen and it's unchangeable. It involves the same emotional dynamics as heterosexuality, i.e., love, passion, desire, empathy, as well as the negatives -- hate, jealousy, lust, etc.

I am real! I'm human!

"Homosexuality is unnatural because it doesn't make babies." Is procreation the only reason for physical intimacy? Are those whose intimacy doesn't produce offspring unnatural perverts? God created us all different with different loving parts to play. We weren't all intended to reproduce. However, if Mr. Christopherson isn't up to his role, I'm sure we'll compensate.

The Great Commandment; "Love one another." Not "Make babies or else."

God is Love! Stop the abuse!

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