Monday, January 7, 2008

Christianity About Money (RC Journal Dec. 14, 1998)

Letter to the Editor:

Christmas time makes me wonder how we have arrived at the self-serving, judgemental, "give me" Christianity of today. Jesus was a man of peace, love and compassion who rejected possessions and power. Now, Christianity is about money and power.

Money is given to "charities" so we needn't associate with the needy. "It's their fault they're poor." Good works are done so we "feel good" or for publicity. If there's a sacrifice, risk or discomfort involved, forget it.

Christ condemned those attitudes. The religious leaders crucified him as a threat to their power and greed.

The Bible shows God's Word. But, it is written in the words of man. Man's words are deceitful and easily twisted to justify greed, hatred and religious exploitation. God's Word can not be expressed in man's words. God is Love and only through love can we spread His Word. (That's love the verb not the noun.)

Preachers do not spread the Word of God. Lovers do! To spread God's word, forget money, words and power. Open up your heart. Reach out. Give of yourself, bringing others into your life. Stop hiding the light of love under the basket of self serving, feel good, empty theological rhetoric.

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