Monday, January 28, 2008

LAVENDER SOUL (Jan. 4, 2004)

Elliott Christopherson's letter (Dec. 21) concerns me. Is "Homosexuality is all about hate" taught at R.C. Christian? I don't hate you!

I love my family. If we hated mariage, why would we want to participate in it?

I certainly don't hate God. He loved us all so much He created us all different. There's diversity in Heaven.

There's also color in Heaven. That's why He gave me a lavender soul. A lavender soul dares to love against all odds. A lavender soul absorbs hate, prejudice and discrimination and creates beauty, art, theater, literature, etc. It takes the gentile spirit and , with empathy, compassion and love, creates the strength and form of the dance of life.

I'm concerned about Gay, Lesbain, Bisexual and Transgender students attending R.C. Christian H.S. They are there, you know. They've no choice. It's no choice.

What are your attitudes and teachings doing to their self-image and self-worth? How many lives are being destroyed? Stop the abuse!

God loves His G.L.B.T. children. The Bible doesn't always say what you think it says.

There is also laughter in Heaven, especially when hateful, judgemental, self-righteous Bible-thumpers demand to be let in. God is Love!

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