Sunday, January 27, 2008

GOD'S WORD IS LOVE (RCJ July 16, 2003)

Doug Free in his July 3 letter calls being homosexual sinful. He closes with the statement: "Instead of Gay pride, how about pride in our God and His word?"

For me these is no difference! God purposefully created me gay. God's Word is Love. If you have love in your heart, you're with Him. God's Love is inclusive, not exclusive. It includes everyone regardless of that love's focus or direction. Just because I love someone of the same sex, doesn't mean it's unworthy. It's still love.

Love's opposite is hate. Prejudice, bigotry, and being judgemental are hateful. It prevents us from knowing and loving other people and God. I'm proud of the love in my heart. It's the essence of my relationship with God.

If Mr. Free could get past his obsession with my imagined sex life, he'd find God's Love in my heart. If Mr. Free would read the Bible in the light of the Gospels, he'd find there's no tolerance for hate (the ultimate sin) and no condemnation of me.

Yes, I've sinned, but not by loving. Have faith in His Love. Thank God for creating me Gay. It's brought me closer to Him!

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