Monday, January 14, 2008


So the governor would close the Adopt-A-Highway program rather than recognize a group of citizens who want to participate. If it's not worth a lawsuit, why not let them participate?
Maybe he knows the state would lose and South Dakota's underlying attitudes of bigotry and hatred would be exposed to the world.

There's a fundamental hypocrisy in this state's attitude and policies regarding gay and lesbian people. They are denied recognition for monogamous unions. Then, they are criticized for being promiscuous. They are denied public, healthy role models. Then, they're chastised when they grow up with negative attitudes towards themselves and others.

They are told that they are evil, immoral, deviate, abomination, mistakes, etc. Then the self-righteous puff up with moral indignation when gay and lesbian people internalize those attitudes and act accordingly.

Why do some gay and lesbian people have problems? The appropriate question is, why the majority of them don't.

When you deny people a place in the light, you have no right to criticize their struggle to survive in the shadows, or justification for outrage when they fight for their rightful place in the sun.

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