Thursday, February 7, 2008


Z.S. Costilla's August 2 letter states it's Christian duty to expose sin. While I agree, his interpretation makes me wonder if we read the same Bible. It's Christian duty to expose and root out sin from my own heart. Not to throw stones and pass judgement on my neighbors. I can't see into their hearts.

Are churches conduits for God's Love or simply exploiting sin? Nothing pumps up the self-righteous more or fills the collection plate faster than a good ranting expose or demonization of someone else's percieved trangressions. Although economically and politically profitable, obsessing over the human dark side makes us hateful, judgemental and vindictive and isn't Christian.

God is Love. Love's opposite is hate (sin). Hate begets hate creating a vicious cycle. It's Christian duty to break that cycle by turning the other cheek. Replacing hate with unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness and respect. Have faith in the power of God's Love. Let it flow through your heart.

Finally the Bible does contradict itself. The New Testament contradicts the Old, establishing a New Covenant based on love, forgiveness and respect. If nothing changed, why Jesus? And why call ourselves Christians?

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