Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Growing up in a small town southeast of Aberdeen wasn't easy, intentional or chosen. Feeling good about oneself becomes difficult while hearing only negative comments and derogatory attitudes. Even though they don't realize they are talking about you, it's humiliating and degrading. Self-esteem takes a beating.

Priest and preachers proclaim me evil and condemn me for who I am. Self-image and self-worth drop to zero. Hope becomes a four-letter word.

At first I curse God for it. Without hope there can be no faith. How can there be a God?

At that point few options surfaced. I rejected God. Since they said I'm sick and depraved, I acted accordingly, seeking escape in self-destructive behaviors. I could have ended it and almost did. Think about this the next time a young person commits suicide with no apparent reason.

Having survived, I realize the self-righteous chastised a fictionalized person. One they created out of fear, ignorance and prejudice. I'm a real person, a Gay child of God.

Now I've grown older and found faith, realizing God hasn't rejected me. Those claiming to speak for Him abuse His Word and His children. "God is Love and he who abides in Love abides in Him."

I now do His work helping Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender youth overcome the mental, emotional and spiritual abuse inflicted by the ignorant, hypocritical, hateful rantings of the self-righteous. Thank god for creating me Gay. It has brought me closer to Him. Stop the abuse!

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