Monday, January 28, 2008

OUT OF THE LOOP (Dec. 8, 2003)

Would one of the recent religious fundamentalist letter writers please send me a copy of the "Gay Agenda." I'm hurt they should have a copy and I don't. I'll have to complain to my superiors in the "Great Homosexual Conspiracy Society." I've somehow been overlooked. I thought I was important in the movement. It really hurts to get left out.

I don't know whether I should undermine the moral fabric in the morning and detonate nuclear families in the afternoon, or the other way around. It all gets so confusing. There's so much competition: the media, movies, television, divorce, spousal abuse, TV evangelists, corporate executives, even sports stars seem to be more morally destructive. We try so hard to be number one, but heterosexuals keep outplaying us.

But, wait, the religious right changed the rules. Loving one another, making long term commitments, improving the human race, improving the world, raising kids to love and respect themselves all are now considered subversive.

Hooray! We can once again be the hope for undermining our American way of life.

Homosexuality isn't mentioned in the Ten Commandments. Bearing false witness is! God is Love! Stop the abuse! Get a life!

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