Thursday, January 24, 2008


Congratulations, Bob Ellis (Oct. 15 letter), for a truly classic Bible-picking display. Bible-picking is the art of deciding what you want to believe, then searching the Bible until you find some verse to justify it. It doesn't matter what Jesus said, how many times it's contradicted, or how it fits into the overall message of the Scriptures. "It says it right here in the Bible!"

There's ample justification for our current actions in Afghanistan without reverting to absurd distortions of Scripture. (Unless that's the distorted world you live in.) Survival is the prime directive for all species, groups, individuals and political or social entities. If attacked, they have the inherent right of self-defense.

Bible picking is responsible for the wildly divergent views of Christianity. It has justified hatred and bigotry and many crimes and injustices in the name of Christianity. It does still.

It is the prime reason some have such difficulty reconciling faith with reality. As a Christian, shouldn't the life and teachings of Jesus take precedence? Why are we called Christian?

War and killing is always evil. We can argue it's a necessary evil. But lose sight of its evil nature and we've become Ben Laden!

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