I'm sitting here trying to write something on what it means to be gay. Hell, I'm no writer either. So, what does i t mean to be gay? It means wondering why this should ever happen to you. To me, it was growing up in Tiny-Town, USA with twenty in my class and being scared shitless someone would find out and make my life unbearable. To me, it meant never knowing anyone else who was gay and thinking I was evil. All I knew of gays were the locker room jokes told by others who were also scared shitless someone would know of their feelings but weren't honest enough to keep their mouth shut. It means being fired from jobs because the boss finds out. It means not getting hired because the boss decides that someone your age must be gay if they're not married, even though you lied when he asked if you were. It means watching boyhood friends fulfill their sexual needs and not even being able to figure out an honest way of fulfilling your own.
To me it has meant walking across the railroad bridge to find it fall away in the middle and a locomotive coming full charge. If you turn and try to flag it down, it's going to smash you to hell. If you jump, it's into an abyss of who knows what. Some have chosen the locomotive. Having never been too fond of being rundown by society's unthinking locomotive, I've chosen the abyss.
I fell for awhile, feeling lost, alone. Then, I found within myself an ability. The ability to walk, to run, to charge with my head held high. I am a man. I have the ability to care and to love. I am no different than those straight friends i thought I had. Only the object and the direction of that love is different. The ability to care and to love can never be evil. I am not evil.
So what does it mean to be gay? It means staying in small clusters of people who feel the same way, who are gay. It means being afraid your college classmates are going to find out and make your life unbearable and ruin your chances for a successful (?) career. It means subscribing to "Better Homes and Closets" sent in a plain brown envelope.
For me it means getting so damn mad I'd just like to start shooting assholes. But my Christian moral background won't let me do that. Instead, I keep coming out of the closet more and more until the Anita Bryant coalition stones me to death with oranges. I look at you my straight liberal Friends and say "thanks for the word service." I look at you my gay closeted friends and say, "Thanks for the boycott. She just saved those few to throw at me."
What does it mean to be gay? To me it means being mad as hell. Mad that I don't have the same rights as my straight liberal friends. It's being mad as hell at a potentially great country which votes away my rights and freedoms. It's being mad as hell at the religious do-gooders who insist I change the way I was created before I can enter "their kingdom." It means being mad as hell at my gay friends who can't even come out far enough to educate their straight friends as to what it means to be human and gay.
What does it mean to be gay? It means that I am a human being who happens to be physically attracted to other human beings of the same gender. I'm worth something. I have something to offer. I am able to feel hurt, pain and love. But, they are trying to push me back into the closet.
In Seattle and Portland when they tried to lock the closet, everyone asked, "Who's next?" If that train can smash my rights to hell, who is next as it plunges toward oblivion? Women have been struggling for awhile. Will they start to rescind some of your gains? What about the gains Black people have made? They're already rescinding ecological gains.
So my straight liberal and gay closeted friends, the turning point for all of us may be at hand. The paranoid, bigoted Bible-quoters are already at their texts justifying their insecurity. If I thought there was some backing on the train, I'd get on board myself. Together maybe we could get the train stopped, backed up and on a saner track before that unthinking machine smashes us all to hell.
D. David Soloman
The People's News was a publication of the progressive community in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. D. David Soloman was the Pen-Name I used during this time in most of my writings and activism. (O.M.)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2008
My First Cigar (written in High School; 1963)
Have you ever heard the old saying "curiosity killed a cat?" Well, some people say that satisfaction brought it back to life again. Speaking as a real cool cat, that wasn't so very cool for awhile, the later saying is positively not true. Here is the story behind this unforgettable experience.
It happened about two years ago when I was visiting with some of my cousins out in the Black Hills. Out there, you are no one until you smoke. I decided to stay away from those charcoal burners. But, just the same, there was that inward desire to find out just what it would be like to light-up, sit-back and inhale. Also, all around me, my cousins were smoking and kept saying, "Ah, come on. Why don't you try one?" However, I managed to stay away from those instant fog machines for a few more days. But, still, there was that inner desire and my cousins.
Finally, I gave in to my curiosity and decided to show those girls that I could do anything they could do and do it better. So I went out and bought the biggest cigar you have ever seen. On the way home one of the girls pulled out a pack of Winston's and said, "Anyone want a smoke?"
I puffed out my chest with pride and said, "No, thank you. I'll smoke my own." And you should have seen the expression that came across those girls' faces when I pulled out my extra long White Owl. That expression was to be equalled only by the expression on my face after I took my first puff of that much too long cigar.
I don't know if it was stupidity or foolish pride. But, I was determined to finish that cigar. Well, I kept on smoking that cigar and you've heard of being on cloud nine? Man, like, where I was there were no clouds, because I was way out and the only cloud that was with me was a strange type of fog that had settled around me.
About that time, my mind went into a tailspin. I put my ailerons down and I went into orbit. At least, that's where I figured I was, because all around me were planets, stars and then, once in awhile, there were red and green lights. Later they told me that the green was my complexion and the red must have been when I started the seat covers on fire.
It happened about two years ago when I was visiting with some of my cousins out in the Black Hills. Out there, you are no one until you smoke. I decided to stay away from those charcoal burners. But, just the same, there was that inward desire to find out just what it would be like to light-up, sit-back and inhale. Also, all around me, my cousins were smoking and kept saying, "Ah, come on. Why don't you try one?" However, I managed to stay away from those instant fog machines for a few more days. But, still, there was that inner desire and my cousins.
Finally, I gave in to my curiosity and decided to show those girls that I could do anything they could do and do it better. So I went out and bought the biggest cigar you have ever seen. On the way home one of the girls pulled out a pack of Winston's and said, "Anyone want a smoke?"
I puffed out my chest with pride and said, "No, thank you. I'll smoke my own." And you should have seen the expression that came across those girls' faces when I pulled out my extra long White Owl. That expression was to be equalled only by the expression on my face after I took my first puff of that much too long cigar.
I don't know if it was stupidity or foolish pride. But, I was determined to finish that cigar. Well, I kept on smoking that cigar and you've heard of being on cloud nine? Man, like, where I was there were no clouds, because I was way out and the only cloud that was with me was a strange type of fog that had settled around me.
About that time, my mind went into a tailspin. I put my ailerons down and I went into orbit. At least, that's where I figured I was, because all around me were planets, stars and then, once in awhile, there were red and green lights. Later they told me that the green was my complexion and the red must have been when I started the seat covers on fire.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Recent letters accused me of Biblical ignorance and being against the Ten Commandments. I don't argue with the validity of the Commandments. Having studied the Bible and Theology, I take exception to those attempts to divert attention from my point that this attempt to force one particular religion into the schools opens a Pandora's box of unintended, undesirable consequences threatening relgious freedom.
Exodus doesn't number the Commandments. They're in 17 verses. The traditional wording and numerical sequence are different in Jewish, Catholic and Protestant listings. Using one over the other gives preference to one religion. Will other religions be able to display in schools? What? Who decides?
Making schools the battleground for competing religions won't help students. If anyone thinks these displays won't lead to divisive, disruptive proselytizing, I've some land in Palestine I'll sell cheap.
The notion that posting the Commandments will solve anything is naive, absurd, counterproductive and demeans real Christian spirituality. The power isn't in words, outward displays, siege mentality or public rantings. It's in the heart. Letting the light of God's Love flow silently from the heart makes everything else unnecessary and insignificant. Doing otherwise denies the power of the Love.
Exodus doesn't number the Commandments. They're in 17 verses. The traditional wording and numerical sequence are different in Jewish, Catholic and Protestant listings. Using one over the other gives preference to one religion. Will other religions be able to display in schools? What? Who decides?
Making schools the battleground for competing religions won't help students. If anyone thinks these displays won't lead to divisive, disruptive proselytizing, I've some land in Palestine I'll sell cheap.
The notion that posting the Commandments will solve anything is naive, absurd, counterproductive and demeans real Christian spirituality. The power isn't in words, outward displays, siege mentality or public rantings. It's in the heart. Letting the light of God's Love flow silently from the heart makes everything else unnecessary and insignificant. Doing otherwise denies the power of the Love.
Demanding schools display the Ten Commandments (four of which speak to realtions with God) shows disrespect and intolerance toward other faiths and beliefs. Disrespect and intolerance are the root of our problems. This doesn't resolve the problems. It compounds them.
If the Commandments are displayed, will we allow exerpts from Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Church of the Creator, Sun Worshippers, Wiccans, etc. Constitutionally we won't have a choice. Confusing messages?
Morality isn't about rigid adherence to rules and ritual. Christ took us beyond that. Morality's about how we treat and respect each other. Unconditional love, respect and tolerance are the core of Christian spirituality. Those unable to overcome fear, hatred and prejudice resort to ritualistic, legalistic nitpicking and turn Christianity into something hateful, divisive and coercive.
The problem isn't in the schools. When the young hear relgious leaders, parents, civic leaders and other adults(?) spouting hate, inolerance and prejudice, the seeds are sown.
Let the light of unconditonal Christian love shine forth and there'll be no need for coercion. Moraltiy lies in the heart not in external displays. Is simply promoting "Respect Thy Neighbor" too hypocritical for the Religious Riech?
If the Commandments are displayed, will we allow exerpts from Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Church of the Creator, Sun Worshippers, Wiccans, etc. Constitutionally we won't have a choice. Confusing messages?
Morality isn't about rigid adherence to rules and ritual. Christ took us beyond that. Morality's about how we treat and respect each other. Unconditional love, respect and tolerance are the core of Christian spirituality. Those unable to overcome fear, hatred and prejudice resort to ritualistic, legalistic nitpicking and turn Christianity into something hateful, divisive and coercive.
The problem isn't in the schools. When the young hear relgious leaders, parents, civic leaders and other adults(?) spouting hate, inolerance and prejudice, the seeds are sown.
Let the light of unconditonal Christian love shine forth and there'll be no need for coercion. Moraltiy lies in the heart not in external displays. Is simply promoting "Respect Thy Neighbor" too hypocritical for the Religious Riech?
Thursday, February 14, 2008
I have questions for advocates of Genesis-based science. Heaven and earth were created on the first day, the sun on the fourth. Doesn't the earth revolve around the sun? Second day came night and day. From where did the light come? How're days measured? Light speed, time distance and astronomy wrong?
Third day came plants. Don't plants live by sunlight? Photogenisis and Botany wrong? The fifth day came animals and birds. The delicate interplay between plants and animals in ecology wrong? If we descended from Adam and Eve, shouldn't we all have the same DNA? Genetics wrong? Creation science? Where's the science?
Genesis was written by scientifically illiterate people attempting to explain God in creation. It's allegory!
Science doesn't deny God in creation. It only helps our understanding of it. Citing the universe's intelligent order as proof of God's existance, then denying that order defending ancient ignorance is absurd.
Creation wasn't performed by an ignorant God. Scientific principles are His principles. Our understanding is evolving and growing. Scientific knowledge needn't threaten faith only arrogance and ignorance. Don't deny the God-given intelligence which seperates humankind from lower life forms attempting to disprove his descendance from them.
Third day came plants. Don't plants live by sunlight? Photogenisis and Botany wrong? The fifth day came animals and birds. The delicate interplay between plants and animals in ecology wrong? If we descended from Adam and Eve, shouldn't we all have the same DNA? Genetics wrong? Creation science? Where's the science?
Genesis was written by scientifically illiterate people attempting to explain God in creation. It's allegory!
Science doesn't deny God in creation. It only helps our understanding of it. Citing the universe's intelligent order as proof of God's existance, then denying that order defending ancient ignorance is absurd.
Creation wasn't performed by an ignorant God. Scientific principles are His principles. Our understanding is evolving and growing. Scientific knowledge needn't threaten faith only arrogance and ignorance. Don't deny the God-given intelligence which seperates humankind from lower life forms attempting to disprove his descendance from them.
Monday, February 11, 2008
AMAZED: THE PENN: Jan 17,1983
(The Penn is the campus newspaper for Indiana University of Pennsylvania in Indiana Pennsylvania where I did my graduate work.)
Letter to the Editor:
I would like to begin by thanking the editors of The Penn for their courage displayed in their editorial on Discrimination of Nov. 29. As a Gay man who spent four years in the Navy during Vietnam and who is now politically public about his homosexuality, I can appreciate the courage it takes to make such a stand. I would like to respond to the letters that appeared on Dec. 6th in reponse to that editorial.
I couldn't help but chuckle over the comment by Mr. Deabenderfer that because of him (I presume his attitude towards homosexuals) "No homosexual is going to part of this man's Marine Corps." Having served in the Hospital Corps, I came into contact with a great many Marines. And, it was not always in the line of duty. There are homosexuals in the Marine Corps as well as everywhere else. The statistics indicate that one out of every ten people are Gay.
Yes, your attitude and that of the military as a whole, Mr. Deabenderfer, does keep some Gay people out of the military, but obviously not all. It is this attitude based upon the emotions of ignorance and misinformation that we are fighting all across the contry. It is this attitude which causes the oppression and the fear that Gay people live under. It causes people to be suspicious and to fear one another and their own emotions.
If I were in a situation in which I had to depend upon another person for my survival, I would much rather have it be a Gay person who has dealt with their emotions and are comfortable with them, than someone who was at war with himself and more frightened of me and their own emotions than the enemy.
Which brings me to Ms. Severino's letter. She has made a great many assumptions which I find to be rather humorous. She seems to think that Gay people will be more interested in sex than staying alive. The absurdity of that opinion astounds me. Gay people have always been part of the military. If you look into the statistics, you will find that sexuality interferes with their duties much less than their heterosexual counterparts.
Since Ms. Severino seems to be in the military, I would like to refer to some military history. Some of the best fighting forces in history (given their level of technology) were the armies of ancient Greece and Rome. Yet these fighting forces which had large armies of Dorian Greeks, reputed to be among the best in history, were almost exclusively homosexual.
Large percentages of the armies of Alexander the Great (himself Gay) were homosexual. It only makes sense that someone is going to fight much harder and be more dedicated to their unit if their lover or lovers are part of it. The stories of heterosexuals fighting to protect their loved ones are abundant. It is no different for homosexuals.
In our present day military and indeed in our society, sexuality has ceased to be an intimate relationship, but has turned into an instrument of power and domination, and given our currrent attitudes toward sexuality, a means of degredation.
Having experienced the military first hand, I've seen how sexuality has been turned into something ugly by the very attitudes expressed in these two letters. The irony of it is that it is then wrapped in a guilty blanket of morality and we are afraid to question the basic assumptons and reach out for the truth.
If you are trully interested in knowing what you are talking about, I would invite you to review the literature. You may be amazed.
In Gay Pride
Michael M. Coats, Director
Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies
Field Associate, Gay Rights National Lobby
Letter to the Editor:
I would like to begin by thanking the editors of The Penn for their courage displayed in their editorial on Discrimination of Nov. 29. As a Gay man who spent four years in the Navy during Vietnam and who is now politically public about his homosexuality, I can appreciate the courage it takes to make such a stand. I would like to respond to the letters that appeared on Dec. 6th in reponse to that editorial.
I couldn't help but chuckle over the comment by Mr. Deabenderfer that because of him (I presume his attitude towards homosexuals) "No homosexual is going to part of this man's Marine Corps." Having served in the Hospital Corps, I came into contact with a great many Marines. And, it was not always in the line of duty. There are homosexuals in the Marine Corps as well as everywhere else. The statistics indicate that one out of every ten people are Gay.
Yes, your attitude and that of the military as a whole, Mr. Deabenderfer, does keep some Gay people out of the military, but obviously not all. It is this attitude based upon the emotions of ignorance and misinformation that we are fighting all across the contry. It is this attitude which causes the oppression and the fear that Gay people live under. It causes people to be suspicious and to fear one another and their own emotions.
If I were in a situation in which I had to depend upon another person for my survival, I would much rather have it be a Gay person who has dealt with their emotions and are comfortable with them, than someone who was at war with himself and more frightened of me and their own emotions than the enemy.
Which brings me to Ms. Severino's letter. She has made a great many assumptions which I find to be rather humorous. She seems to think that Gay people will be more interested in sex than staying alive. The absurdity of that opinion astounds me. Gay people have always been part of the military. If you look into the statistics, you will find that sexuality interferes with their duties much less than their heterosexual counterparts.
Since Ms. Severino seems to be in the military, I would like to refer to some military history. Some of the best fighting forces in history (given their level of technology) were the armies of ancient Greece and Rome. Yet these fighting forces which had large armies of Dorian Greeks, reputed to be among the best in history, were almost exclusively homosexual.
Large percentages of the armies of Alexander the Great (himself Gay) were homosexual. It only makes sense that someone is going to fight much harder and be more dedicated to their unit if their lover or lovers are part of it. The stories of heterosexuals fighting to protect their loved ones are abundant. It is no different for homosexuals.
In our present day military and indeed in our society, sexuality has ceased to be an intimate relationship, but has turned into an instrument of power and domination, and given our currrent attitudes toward sexuality, a means of degredation.
Having experienced the military first hand, I've seen how sexuality has been turned into something ugly by the very attitudes expressed in these two letters. The irony of it is that it is then wrapped in a guilty blanket of morality and we are afraid to question the basic assumptons and reach out for the truth.
If you are trully interested in knowing what you are talking about, I would invite you to review the literature. You may be amazed.
In Gay Pride
Michael M. Coats, Director
Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies
Field Associate, Gay Rights National Lobby
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Z.S. Costilla's August 2 letter states it's Christian duty to expose sin. While I agree, his interpretation makes me wonder if we read the same Bible. It's Christian duty to expose and root out sin from my own heart. Not to throw stones and pass judgement on my neighbors. I can't see into their hearts.
Are churches conduits for God's Love or simply exploiting sin? Nothing pumps up the self-righteous more or fills the collection plate faster than a good ranting expose or demonization of someone else's percieved trangressions. Although economically and politically profitable, obsessing over the human dark side makes us hateful, judgemental and vindictive and isn't Christian.
God is Love. Love's opposite is hate (sin). Hate begets hate creating a vicious cycle. It's Christian duty to break that cycle by turning the other cheek. Replacing hate with unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness and respect. Have faith in the power of God's Love. Let it flow through your heart.
Finally the Bible does contradict itself. The New Testament contradicts the Old, establishing a New Covenant based on love, forgiveness and respect. If nothing changed, why Jesus? And why call ourselves Christians?
Are churches conduits for God's Love or simply exploiting sin? Nothing pumps up the self-righteous more or fills the collection plate faster than a good ranting expose or demonization of someone else's percieved trangressions. Although economically and politically profitable, obsessing over the human dark side makes us hateful, judgemental and vindictive and isn't Christian.
God is Love. Love's opposite is hate (sin). Hate begets hate creating a vicious cycle. It's Christian duty to break that cycle by turning the other cheek. Replacing hate with unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness and respect. Have faith in the power of God's Love. Let it flow through your heart.
Finally the Bible does contradict itself. The New Testament contradicts the Old, establishing a New Covenant based on love, forgiveness and respect. If nothing changed, why Jesus? And why call ourselves Christians?
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Growing up in a small town southeast of Aberdeen wasn't easy, intentional or chosen. Feeling good about oneself becomes difficult while hearing only negative comments and derogatory attitudes. Even though they don't realize they are talking about you, it's humiliating and degrading. Self-esteem takes a beating.
Priest and preachers proclaim me evil and condemn me for who I am. Self-image and self-worth drop to zero. Hope becomes a four-letter word.
At first I curse God for it. Without hope there can be no faith. How can there be a God?
At that point few options surfaced. I rejected God. Since they said I'm sick and depraved, I acted accordingly, seeking escape in self-destructive behaviors. I could have ended it and almost did. Think about this the next time a young person commits suicide with no apparent reason.
Having survived, I realize the self-righteous chastised a fictionalized person. One they created out of fear, ignorance and prejudice. I'm a real person, a Gay child of God.
Now I've grown older and found faith, realizing God hasn't rejected me. Those claiming to speak for Him abuse His Word and His children. "God is Love and he who abides in Love abides in Him."
I now do His work helping Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender youth overcome the mental, emotional and spiritual abuse inflicted by the ignorant, hypocritical, hateful rantings of the self-righteous. Thank god for creating me Gay. It has brought me closer to Him. Stop the abuse!
Priest and preachers proclaim me evil and condemn me for who I am. Self-image and self-worth drop to zero. Hope becomes a four-letter word.
At first I curse God for it. Without hope there can be no faith. How can there be a God?
At that point few options surfaced. I rejected God. Since they said I'm sick and depraved, I acted accordingly, seeking escape in self-destructive behaviors. I could have ended it and almost did. Think about this the next time a young person commits suicide with no apparent reason.
Having survived, I realize the self-righteous chastised a fictionalized person. One they created out of fear, ignorance and prejudice. I'm a real person, a Gay child of God.
Now I've grown older and found faith, realizing God hasn't rejected me. Those claiming to speak for Him abuse His Word and His children. "God is Love and he who abides in Love abides in Him."
I now do His work helping Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender youth overcome the mental, emotional and spiritual abuse inflicted by the ignorant, hypocritical, hateful rantings of the self-righteous. Thank god for creating me Gay. It has brought me closer to Him. Stop the abuse!
I find it amazing in the world today that we have groups fighting wars, killing, condemning and hating each other over the proper pathway to a "Loving God." It's a "not so divine" absurdity. I almost said comedy, but it's not the least bit funny.
A very dear Minister friend, we call "The Rev." tells us that the creator has given us a precious gift, a gift of unimaginable beauty and worth. That gift has become encrusted beyond recognition with the garbage and excrement of greed, hatred and material desires. It has been twisted and redefined to accommodate and justify personal prejudices, hatreds and ambitions. We're at the point where His precious gift is difficult to find.
To rediscover that gift we have to look beyond the hatred and prejudices and into our hearts. For that is where this special gift resides. It is the bond that unites us. It is the ladder that lifts us up beyond ourselves. It is the instrument that creates the music of our souls.
That gift of unimaginable beauty and worth is the gift of Love. It is the love we have in our hearts that takes us to and unites us with the Creator. It is the love that only has value when we give it away to others.
Hate tears us down and divides us. It is destroying the world. It is destroying us. It is time that we unite in that love to celebrate, support, nurture and protect each individual's right to their own faith. Freedom of religion means the right of each individual to live by the dictates of their own conscience without interference and without retribution. It means the right to be who you are and to be respected for how you were created.
Freedom of Religion can never give anyone the right to use coercion, legal or illegal, to force their beliefs on anyone else. It is the role of government to make it possible for all beliefs to be treated equally. To accomplish that role, the government must remain neutral. It must accommodate all. Love enters in our hearts not on our lips.
There are thousands of GLBT young people who are in pain because of the attitudes of people like Phelps. It is our mission to reach out to these young people and to this community to stop the pain and to stop the hate. We must let these young people know that they are worthwhile and loved. and we must help them unite with all of us as "One Human Family." No more hate! No more abuse! No more victims!
Thank you for your support.
A very dear Minister friend, we call "The Rev." tells us that the creator has given us a precious gift, a gift of unimaginable beauty and worth. That gift has become encrusted beyond recognition with the garbage and excrement of greed, hatred and material desires. It has been twisted and redefined to accommodate and justify personal prejudices, hatreds and ambitions. We're at the point where His precious gift is difficult to find.
To rediscover that gift we have to look beyond the hatred and prejudices and into our hearts. For that is where this special gift resides. It is the bond that unites us. It is the ladder that lifts us up beyond ourselves. It is the instrument that creates the music of our souls.
That gift of unimaginable beauty and worth is the gift of Love. It is the love we have in our hearts that takes us to and unites us with the Creator. It is the love that only has value when we give it away to others.
Hate tears us down and divides us. It is destroying the world. It is destroying us. It is time that we unite in that love to celebrate, support, nurture and protect each individual's right to their own faith. Freedom of religion means the right of each individual to live by the dictates of their own conscience without interference and without retribution. It means the right to be who you are and to be respected for how you were created.
Freedom of Religion can never give anyone the right to use coercion, legal or illegal, to force their beliefs on anyone else. It is the role of government to make it possible for all beliefs to be treated equally. To accomplish that role, the government must remain neutral. It must accommodate all. Love enters in our hearts not on our lips.
There are thousands of GLBT young people who are in pain because of the attitudes of people like Phelps. It is our mission to reach out to these young people and to this community to stop the pain and to stop the hate. We must let these young people know that they are worthwhile and loved. and we must help them unite with all of us as "One Human Family." No more hate! No more abuse! No more victims!
Thank you for your support.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
IS THIS AMERICA? (Feb 22, 2004)
Norm Christopherson's wrong (Feb 4 letter) that only god's opinion counts. How coincidental, God always agrees with his opinion. Find what the Bible really says from the original Greek and Hebrew.
However, that's not his main error. The most important opinion is his, mine, the person reading this, etc. It's the Bill of Rights and freedom of religion. Nothing's for sure about God. That's why they call it faith.
Christopherson's faith shouldn't take precedence over mine. Is this America?
As a Homosexual, have I the right to exist, the right to "life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness," the right to make my own decisions about my destiny based on my values and my religion, the right to love?
If the answer is "no" then do change the Constitution, removing the words: "Freedom, Liberty, Justice, Equality." They no longer mean anything.
It needs to mean more than the freedom to only agree with the Christophersons.
God is Love! Stop the abuse!
However, that's not his main error. The most important opinion is his, mine, the person reading this, etc. It's the Bill of Rights and freedom of religion. Nothing's for sure about God. That's why they call it faith.
Christopherson's faith shouldn't take precedence over mine. Is this America?
As a Homosexual, have I the right to exist, the right to "life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness," the right to make my own decisions about my destiny based on my values and my religion, the right to love?
If the answer is "no" then do change the Constitution, removing the words: "Freedom, Liberty, Justice, Equality." They no longer mean anything.
It needs to mean more than the freedom to only agree with the Christophersons.
God is Love! Stop the abuse!
WHAT IS NATURAL? (Feb. 3, 2004)
Elliott Christopherson (Jan. 20 Letter) has called me twisted, blatantly perverted, evil, unnatural, sinful, etc. But suggesting his comments might be hateful is a "rabid, unfair, personal attack." Really now?
He claims: "Homosexuals are unnatural. Prove me wrong."
What is natural? How we perceive things should be? Or, how they actually exist in nature? Christopherson defines natural through his religious beliefs. "That's how it supposed to be." Well, "It ain't necessarily so."
Homosexuals have existed in every society (an accepted, celebrated part of most) throughout History. That suggests it's a natural phenomenon. Speaking from experience, it isn't chosen and it's unchangeable. It involves the same emotional dynamics as heterosexuality, i.e., love, passion, desire, empathy, as well as the negatives -- hate, jealousy, lust, etc.
I am real! I'm human!
"Homosexuality is unnatural because it doesn't make babies." Is procreation the only reason for physical intimacy? Are those whose intimacy doesn't produce offspring unnatural perverts? God created us all different with different loving parts to play. We weren't all intended to reproduce. However, if Mr. Christopherson isn't up to his role, I'm sure we'll compensate.
The Great Commandment; "Love one another." Not "Make babies or else."
God is Love! Stop the abuse!
He claims: "Homosexuals are unnatural. Prove me wrong."
What is natural? How we perceive things should be? Or, how they actually exist in nature? Christopherson defines natural through his religious beliefs. "That's how it supposed to be." Well, "It ain't necessarily so."
Homosexuals have existed in every society (an accepted, celebrated part of most) throughout History. That suggests it's a natural phenomenon. Speaking from experience, it isn't chosen and it's unchangeable. It involves the same emotional dynamics as heterosexuality, i.e., love, passion, desire, empathy, as well as the negatives -- hate, jealousy, lust, etc.
I am real! I'm human!
"Homosexuality is unnatural because it doesn't make babies." Is procreation the only reason for physical intimacy? Are those whose intimacy doesn't produce offspring unnatural perverts? God created us all different with different loving parts to play. We weren't all intended to reproduce. However, if Mr. Christopherson isn't up to his role, I'm sure we'll compensate.
The Great Commandment; "Love one another." Not "Make babies or else."
God is Love! Stop the abuse!
Young gay, lesbian people need hope, love (RCJ March 23, 2007)
We applaud recent efforts and discussions at reducing the high rate of teen suicide. It’s a huge problem needing to be addressed seriously with open minds.
However, young gay and lesbian people are sitting in churches hearing preachers tell them they’re evil; or hearing parents spew hatred toward gay people. Do these parents and preachers not understand those comments may be driving someone they love to the edge? Don’t they care? Better dead than gay?
Falsely insisting sexual orientation is chosen dramatically increases risk factors for teen suicide. Bearing false witness kills! Religious bullying makes organizations, schools and agencies afraid to address the issue and our children are dying!
Young GLBT people need to know there’s hope and people who love and care about them for who they are; churches steeped in the gospel of love that’ll welcome them; agencies that won’t condemn or ignore them, their needs or circumstances; parents who love unconditionally and accept their GLBT children; and a community that’ll accept them for the beautiful people they are.
The Center West can refer them to those resources and a community that loves them. Call 605-348-3244. E-mail info@thecenterwest.org. Unconditional love, acceptance and courage prevent suicide. Love is God!
However, young gay and lesbian people are sitting in churches hearing preachers tell them they’re evil; or hearing parents spew hatred toward gay people. Do these parents and preachers not understand those comments may be driving someone they love to the edge? Don’t they care? Better dead than gay?
Falsely insisting sexual orientation is chosen dramatically increases risk factors for teen suicide. Bearing false witness kills! Religious bullying makes organizations, schools and agencies afraid to address the issue and our children are dying!
Young GLBT people need to know there’s hope and people who love and care about them for who they are; churches steeped in the gospel of love that’ll welcome them; agencies that won’t condemn or ignore them, their needs or circumstances; parents who love unconditionally and accept their GLBT children; and a community that’ll accept them for the beautiful people they are.
The Center West can refer them to those resources and a community that loves them. Call 605-348-3244. E-mail info@thecenterwest.org. Unconditional love, acceptance and courage prevent suicide. Love is God!
Monday, January 28, 2008
LAVENDER SOUL (Jan. 4, 2004)
Elliott Christopherson's letter (Dec. 21) concerns me. Is "Homosexuality is all about hate" taught at R.C. Christian? I don't hate you!
I love my family. If we hated mariage, why would we want to participate in it?
I certainly don't hate God. He loved us all so much He created us all different. There's diversity in Heaven.
There's also color in Heaven. That's why He gave me a lavender soul. A lavender soul dares to love against all odds. A lavender soul absorbs hate, prejudice and discrimination and creates beauty, art, theater, literature, etc. It takes the gentile spirit and , with empathy, compassion and love, creates the strength and form of the dance of life.
I'm concerned about Gay, Lesbain, Bisexual and Transgender students attending R.C. Christian H.S. They are there, you know. They've no choice. It's no choice.
What are your attitudes and teachings doing to their self-image and self-worth? How many lives are being destroyed? Stop the abuse!
God loves His G.L.B.T. children. The Bible doesn't always say what you think it says.
There is also laughter in Heaven, especially when hateful, judgemental, self-righteous Bible-thumpers demand to be let in. God is Love!
I love my family. If we hated mariage, why would we want to participate in it?
I certainly don't hate God. He loved us all so much He created us all different. There's diversity in Heaven.
There's also color in Heaven. That's why He gave me a lavender soul. A lavender soul dares to love against all odds. A lavender soul absorbs hate, prejudice and discrimination and creates beauty, art, theater, literature, etc. It takes the gentile spirit and , with empathy, compassion and love, creates the strength and form of the dance of life.
I'm concerned about Gay, Lesbain, Bisexual and Transgender students attending R.C. Christian H.S. They are there, you know. They've no choice. It's no choice.
What are your attitudes and teachings doing to their self-image and self-worth? How many lives are being destroyed? Stop the abuse!
God loves His G.L.B.T. children. The Bible doesn't always say what you think it says.
There is also laughter in Heaven, especially when hateful, judgemental, self-righteous Bible-thumpers demand to be let in. God is Love!
OUT OF THE LOOP (Dec. 8, 2003)
Would one of the recent religious fundamentalist letter writers please send me a copy of the "Gay Agenda." I'm hurt they should have a copy and I don't. I'll have to complain to my superiors in the "Great Homosexual Conspiracy Society." I've somehow been overlooked. I thought I was important in the movement. It really hurts to get left out.
I don't know whether I should undermine the moral fabric in the morning and detonate nuclear families in the afternoon, or the other way around. It all gets so confusing. There's so much competition: the media, movies, television, divorce, spousal abuse, TV evangelists, corporate executives, even sports stars seem to be more morally destructive. We try so hard to be number one, but heterosexuals keep outplaying us.
But, wait, the religious right changed the rules. Loving one another, making long term commitments, improving the human race, improving the world, raising kids to love and respect themselves all are now considered subversive.
Hooray! We can once again be the hope for undermining our American way of life.
Homosexuality isn't mentioned in the Ten Commandments. Bearing false witness is! God is Love! Stop the abuse! Get a life!
I don't know whether I should undermine the moral fabric in the morning and detonate nuclear families in the afternoon, or the other way around. It all gets so confusing. There's so much competition: the media, movies, television, divorce, spousal abuse, TV evangelists, corporate executives, even sports stars seem to be more morally destructive. We try so hard to be number one, but heterosexuals keep outplaying us.
But, wait, the religious right changed the rules. Loving one another, making long term commitments, improving the human race, improving the world, raising kids to love and respect themselves all are now considered subversive.
Hooray! We can once again be the hope for undermining our American way of life.
Homosexuality isn't mentioned in the Ten Commandments. Bearing false witness is! God is Love! Stop the abuse! Get a life!
NO LONGER SILENT (RCJ Nov. 11, 2003)
We're glad the Hots Springs committee informed us they don't hate Homosexuals (Oct. 26 letter). It's so difficult to tell otherwise.
My sexual orientation is part of who I am. It is not chosen.
"Hate the sin, but love the sinner" is a prejudicial statement in this context. It presumes and prejudges actions and behaviors without context or knowledge of what or why. It is based solely on who I am. If I never acted on my sexual attractions, I would still be a Homosexual.
Heterosexual activity can have the same negative consequences as homosexual. Are we to condemn all heterosexuals?
By condemning my sexual orientation, you condemn me. By denigrating my ability to love, you denigrate me. By denying my right to relationships, you deny me. By ridiculing my intimacy, you ridicule me.
They are not affecting sin. They're destroying lives.
When you deny people a place in the sun, you've no right to chastise them for trying to survive in the shadows. Knocking someone down, then cursing them for being on the ground isn't love or truth.
We can no longer remain silent to the mental, emotional and spiritual abuse inflicted on our youth. Enough is enough! Stop the abuse!
My sexual orientation is part of who I am. It is not chosen.
"Hate the sin, but love the sinner" is a prejudicial statement in this context. It presumes and prejudges actions and behaviors without context or knowledge of what or why. It is based solely on who I am. If I never acted on my sexual attractions, I would still be a Homosexual.
Heterosexual activity can have the same negative consequences as homosexual. Are we to condemn all heterosexuals?
By condemning my sexual orientation, you condemn me. By denigrating my ability to love, you denigrate me. By denying my right to relationships, you deny me. By ridiculing my intimacy, you ridicule me.
They are not affecting sin. They're destroying lives.
When you deny people a place in the sun, you've no right to chastise them for trying to survive in the shadows. Knocking someone down, then cursing them for being on the ground isn't love or truth.
We can no longer remain silent to the mental, emotional and spiritual abuse inflicted on our youth. Enough is enough! Stop the abuse!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
FAMILY VALUES (RCJ Sept. 28, 2003)
Marcy Kopp's letter (Sept. 18) attacking and criticising my mother for supporting and loving her gay son revived memories of other situations I've encountered working with Gay and Lesbian youth.
I knew a young woman whose parents discovered she was Lesbian. They purchased a cemetery plot, erected a tombstone and declared her to be dead.
The countless young people I've encountered who've been disowned and kicked out because they were discovered. the fear of or actual rejection by family has driven many to suicide. Negative self-image caused by ignorance, isolation, fear and rejection still drives many to self-destructive behavior.
Are these the kind of family values Ms. Kopp advocates? Enough is enough!
As for my mother, she is my friend and my hero. She's one of the finest Christians I've known. Should Ms. Kopp and her kind wish some guidance on true Christian and family love, I'd be happy to introduce them to Mom and the other loving parents of our local PFLAG chapter.
PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) is family values. Parents loving their children and children loving their parents are Christian values! So No Child Walks Alone!
I knew a young woman whose parents discovered she was Lesbian. They purchased a cemetery plot, erected a tombstone and declared her to be dead.
The countless young people I've encountered who've been disowned and kicked out because they were discovered. the fear of or actual rejection by family has driven many to suicide. Negative self-image caused by ignorance, isolation, fear and rejection still drives many to self-destructive behavior.
Are these the kind of family values Ms. Kopp advocates? Enough is enough!
As for my mother, she is my friend and my hero. She's one of the finest Christians I've known. Should Ms. Kopp and her kind wish some guidance on true Christian and family love, I'd be happy to introduce them to Mom and the other loving parents of our local PFLAG chapter.
PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) is family values. Parents loving their children and children loving their parents are Christian values! So No Child Walks Alone!
Marcy Kopp (July 27 Letter) and others continue to call homosexuality a "chosen lifestyle." First, it isn't a lifestyle. Second, it isn't chosen.
When did I choose it? Is heterosexuality chosen?
Ms. Kopp obviously hasn't talked with homosexuals. Nor, has she talked to the hundreds of young people in this community who are struggling to come to terms with who they are.
You don't teach someone to be homosexual. You can, however, teach them to hate themselves. Unfortunately, that's what Ms. Kopp and others are doing to many young people. That's why too many of them fall into depression, abuse drugs and alcohol, or commit suicide.
Our mission is to help them feel good about themselves and realize that they were created good. We want to help them avoid depression, destructive behavior and suicide. And to show them that being homosexual doesn't have to cost them their faith in themselves, their future, or their God.
We are not recruiters. Gay parents and gay people want all children to be able to grow up happy, safe and comfortable with however God made them.
His Love follows many paths other than procreation. We all have a place in His plan.
When did I choose it? Is heterosexuality chosen?
Ms. Kopp obviously hasn't talked with homosexuals. Nor, has she talked to the hundreds of young people in this community who are struggling to come to terms with who they are.
You don't teach someone to be homosexual. You can, however, teach them to hate themselves. Unfortunately, that's what Ms. Kopp and others are doing to many young people. That's why too many of them fall into depression, abuse drugs and alcohol, or commit suicide.
Our mission is to help them feel good about themselves and realize that they were created good. We want to help them avoid depression, destructive behavior and suicide. And to show them that being homosexual doesn't have to cost them their faith in themselves, their future, or their God.
We are not recruiters. Gay parents and gay people want all children to be able to grow up happy, safe and comfortable with however God made them.
His Love follows many paths other than procreation. We all have a place in His plan.
GOD'S WORD IS LOVE (RCJ July 16, 2003)
Doug Free in his July 3 letter calls being homosexual sinful. He closes with the statement: "Instead of Gay pride, how about pride in our God and His word?"
For me these is no difference! God purposefully created me gay. God's Word is Love. If you have love in your heart, you're with Him. God's Love is inclusive, not exclusive. It includes everyone regardless of that love's focus or direction. Just because I love someone of the same sex, doesn't mean it's unworthy. It's still love.
Love's opposite is hate. Prejudice, bigotry, and being judgemental are hateful. It prevents us from knowing and loving other people and God. I'm proud of the love in my heart. It's the essence of my relationship with God.
If Mr. Free could get past his obsession with my imagined sex life, he'd find God's Love in my heart. If Mr. Free would read the Bible in the light of the Gospels, he'd find there's no tolerance for hate (the ultimate sin) and no condemnation of me.
Yes, I've sinned, but not by loving. Have faith in His Love. Thank God for creating me Gay. It's brought me closer to Him!
For me these is no difference! God purposefully created me gay. God's Word is Love. If you have love in your heart, you're with Him. God's Love is inclusive, not exclusive. It includes everyone regardless of that love's focus or direction. Just because I love someone of the same sex, doesn't mean it's unworthy. It's still love.
Love's opposite is hate. Prejudice, bigotry, and being judgemental are hateful. It prevents us from knowing and loving other people and God. I'm proud of the love in my heart. It's the essence of my relationship with God.
If Mr. Free could get past his obsession with my imagined sex life, he'd find God's Love in my heart. If Mr. Free would read the Bible in the light of the Gospels, he'd find there's no tolerance for hate (the ultimate sin) and no condemnation of me.
Yes, I've sinned, but not by loving. Have faith in His Love. Thank God for creating me Gay. It's brought me closer to Him!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Since Sept.11 we've seen much flag-waving, songs, speeches and good, old American, intestinal, patriotic emotionalism. We've heard calls for surrendering freedoms and restricting liberties for security.
Is this patriotic outburst simply superficial, emotional chest-pounding and sometimes commercial exploitation? Or is it deeper with roots in commitment to institutions, freedoms and principles for which this nation stands?
If this patriotism is simply superficial emotionalism, then those who would hijack our grief and anger to their own ends can easily lead us astray by exploiting insecurity.
If, however, patriotism arises from commitment, the thought of relinquishing freedoms and liberties, even if necessary, must create heightened awareness and a demand for accountability, debate, dissent and criticism.
While military power protects us from outside enemies, debate, accountability and dissent protect us from despots within. Now isn't the time for true patriots to be silent!
Open debate is vitally important because it makes and keeps us what and who we are. It's the very freedom we defend!
Terrorists threaten property and lives. The exploitation of superficial, fearful, emotional patriotism threatens freedom and liberty more than any terrorist! Terrorists can only win if we succumb o the fear they create!
Is this patriotic outburst simply superficial, emotional chest-pounding and sometimes commercial exploitation? Or is it deeper with roots in commitment to institutions, freedoms and principles for which this nation stands?
If this patriotism is simply superficial emotionalism, then those who would hijack our grief and anger to their own ends can easily lead us astray by exploiting insecurity.
If, however, patriotism arises from commitment, the thought of relinquishing freedoms and liberties, even if necessary, must create heightened awareness and a demand for accountability, debate, dissent and criticism.
While military power protects us from outside enemies, debate, accountability and dissent protect us from despots within. Now isn't the time for true patriots to be silent!
Open debate is vitally important because it makes and keeps us what and who we are. It's the very freedom we defend!
Terrorists threaten property and lives. The exploitation of superficial, fearful, emotional patriotism threatens freedom and liberty more than any terrorist! Terrorists can only win if we succumb o the fear they create!
Friday, January 25, 2008
John Beardsley's recent letters (Oct. 8) suggest that since no evidence proves homosexuality's genetic, it must be chosen. How does "no evidence" prove anything? If science determines homosexuality is genetically based, would he accept it? Or would he reject genetics like fundamentalists reject other sciences that disagree with their selectively literal biblical interpretations?
Truth is, we don't know what determines sexual orientation: homosexual or heterosexual. We do know that no one decides to be gay or straight. Want evidence? Ask homosexuals! Is heterosexuality chosen?
Mr. Beardsley compares homosexuals to rapists, pedophiles and murderers. Nobody's advocating pedophilia! (Possible exception: those promoting David Koresh as a religious martyr.)
Child abuse is wrong. That includes religious fanatics filling young people full of self-hatred and guilt over the way God created them. Well over 90% of all pedophiles are heterosexual. With whom are kids safer?
Pedophilia, rape and murder are wrong because they violate the sanctity of the person and the second Great Commandment: Love Thy Neighbor! How could two adults loving each other violate either. Loving isn't sinful!
Salvation comes from having faith in the power of His Love, accepting it, and allowing it to flow through us. God is Love!
Truth is, we don't know what determines sexual orientation: homosexual or heterosexual. We do know that no one decides to be gay or straight. Want evidence? Ask homosexuals! Is heterosexuality chosen?
Mr. Beardsley compares homosexuals to rapists, pedophiles and murderers. Nobody's advocating pedophilia! (Possible exception: those promoting David Koresh as a religious martyr.)
Child abuse is wrong. That includes religious fanatics filling young people full of self-hatred and guilt over the way God created them. Well over 90% of all pedophiles are heterosexual. With whom are kids safer?
Pedophilia, rape and murder are wrong because they violate the sanctity of the person and the second Great Commandment: Love Thy Neighbor! How could two adults loving each other violate either. Loving isn't sinful!
Salvation comes from having faith in the power of His Love, accepting it, and allowing it to flow through us. God is Love!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Congratulations, Bob Ellis (Oct. 15 letter), for a truly classic Bible-picking display. Bible-picking is the art of deciding what you want to believe, then searching the Bible until you find some verse to justify it. It doesn't matter what Jesus said, how many times it's contradicted, or how it fits into the overall message of the Scriptures. "It says it right here in the Bible!"
There's ample justification for our current actions in Afghanistan without reverting to absurd distortions of Scripture. (Unless that's the distorted world you live in.) Survival is the prime directive for all species, groups, individuals and political or social entities. If attacked, they have the inherent right of self-defense.
Bible picking is responsible for the wildly divergent views of Christianity. It has justified hatred and bigotry and many crimes and injustices in the name of Christianity. It does still.
It is the prime reason some have such difficulty reconciling faith with reality. As a Christian, shouldn't the life and teachings of Jesus take precedence? Why are we called Christian?
War and killing is always evil. We can argue it's a necessary evil. But lose sight of its evil nature and we've become Ben Laden!
There's ample justification for our current actions in Afghanistan without reverting to absurd distortions of Scripture. (Unless that's the distorted world you live in.) Survival is the prime directive for all species, groups, individuals and political or social entities. If attacked, they have the inherent right of self-defense.
Bible picking is responsible for the wildly divergent views of Christianity. It has justified hatred and bigotry and many crimes and injustices in the name of Christianity. It does still.
It is the prime reason some have such difficulty reconciling faith with reality. As a Christian, shouldn't the life and teachings of Jesus take precedence? Why are we called Christian?
War and killing is always evil. We can argue it's a necessary evil. But lose sight of its evil nature and we've become Ben Laden!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
PREFER THEIR HATE (RCJ Sept. 22, 2001)
I'm bewildered at some of the responses to my recent editorial and letters. John Beardsley and Ernest Foss rewrote what I had said, then chastised me for what they had written.
And from where did Don Kopp pull out evolution? My recent writings never mentioned it. Was this just a not-so-clever attempt to change the subject because he couldn't argue against what I had written? if he wants to write against evolution, he doesn't need an imaginary quote from me to justify his silly arguments.
If they read and comprehend the Bible the way they did my editorial, no wonder they've got it so screwed up.
Ann Landers was right. You can't reason with religious fanatics. They see what they want to see, hear what they want to hear, imagine the worst of everyone, and condemn everyone based upon those imaginings.
They talk about loving homosexuals. If that's their idea of love, I prefer their hatred. At least it's upfront, honest and you know where you stand.
By the way, moral absolutes are positive, not negative. God's Love, if accepted and allowed to flow through, is positive, absolute, and not ambiguous. God is Love!
And from where did Don Kopp pull out evolution? My recent writings never mentioned it. Was this just a not-so-clever attempt to change the subject because he couldn't argue against what I had written? if he wants to write against evolution, he doesn't need an imaginary quote from me to justify his silly arguments.
If they read and comprehend the Bible the way they did my editorial, no wonder they've got it so screwed up.
Ann Landers was right. You can't reason with religious fanatics. They see what they want to see, hear what they want to hear, imagine the worst of everyone, and condemn everyone based upon those imaginings.
They talk about loving homosexuals. If that's their idea of love, I prefer their hatred. At least it's upfront, honest and you know where you stand.
By the way, moral absolutes are positive, not negative. God's Love, if accepted and allowed to flow through, is positive, absolute, and not ambiguous. God is Love!
John Beardsley's Aug. 16 letter is a great display of ignorance in the defense of prejudice. He states: "Homosexual behavior is chosen, contrary to tainted teachings otherwise." "They (homosexuals) are anti-God, anti-social and anti-human."
All behavior involves choice. Sexual orientation isn't sexual behavior and doesn't involve choice. A homosexual who never engages in sexual behavior is still a homosexual. Sexual activity doesn't determine sexual orientation. Sexual orientation determines sexual attraction. Sexual behavior's a private matter (Family Policy Council).
By tainted I assume he means anything that disagrees with what he's decided is true. Forget facts and logic.
Belief in God isn't restricted to Christians. One can be Christian without agreeing with Mr. Beardsley. There are many Gay and Lesbian Christians. Others of different faiths believe in God or Creator. Besides there is no religious requirement for United States citizenship (religious freedom).
Fighting for their legitimate place in society hardly makes them anti-social. Denying people their place in society is anti-social. Ignorance, hatred and prejudice are anti-social and anti-human behaviors (choice).
Homosexuals have existed in every society and culture throughout History. Aren't Gay and Lesbian people also human?
Mr. Beardsley's attitudes seem anti-human, anti-social and anti-American. Would God approve?
All behavior involves choice. Sexual orientation isn't sexual behavior and doesn't involve choice. A homosexual who never engages in sexual behavior is still a homosexual. Sexual activity doesn't determine sexual orientation. Sexual orientation determines sexual attraction. Sexual behavior's a private matter (Family Policy Council).
By tainted I assume he means anything that disagrees with what he's decided is true. Forget facts and logic.
Belief in God isn't restricted to Christians. One can be Christian without agreeing with Mr. Beardsley. There are many Gay and Lesbian Christians. Others of different faiths believe in God or Creator. Besides there is no religious requirement for United States citizenship (religious freedom).
Fighting for their legitimate place in society hardly makes them anti-social. Denying people their place in society is anti-social. Ignorance, hatred and prejudice are anti-social and anti-human behaviors (choice).
Homosexuals have existed in every society and culture throughout History. Aren't Gay and Lesbian people also human?
Mr. Beardsley's attitudes seem anti-human, anti-social and anti-American. Would God approve?
Friday, January 18, 2008
Gay Couples Should Be Allowed To Marry (RCJ August 25, 2001)
Throughout the course of my life and travels I've been privileged to meet and become friends with many Lesbian and Gay couples, which is why I find the current movement to place a ban on Gay and Lesbian unions into the constitution very disturbing.
Putting all the rhetoric and arguments aside, let us not forget that we are dealing with people's lives. These are our friends, neighbors, family members, co-workers and fellow citizens. Most are fine, decent, hardworking individuals who are just trying to make the American Dream work for them.
I've also learned that getting to know someone makes one more sympathetic and compassionate and leads to a greater understanding of their problems and aspirations. Which is why I want to explain why it is that Gay and Lesbian people want to pursue public, legally recognized unions - marriages if you will.
Besides the obvious desire for public commitment and recognition of their union of love, there are some legal problems, which could be resolved by such legal recognition. There are several incidents of which I am personally aware, which might shed some light and understanding on this.
When I was living on the East Coast, I knew a Lesbian couple who had been together for over 30 years. One of them died. After the death, the deceased's disapproving, biological family came and took everything. The house and other property had originally belonged to the deceased and everything had been left in her name. Thus, the surviving partner was left destitute. There was nothing she could do because she had no legal standing.
A good friend who lived on the West Coast had been in a relationship for several years when his partner became very ill. He was in intensive care and not expected to live. The hospital would not allow my friend to visit his partner because he wasn't considered immediate family. He had to file a lawsuit just to be able to visit. He had no legal standing.
When I was in Pennsylvania, I knew a couple who had been together for about seven years. One of them went to visit some friends in another state. While there, he was involved in a traffic accident and was left in a hospital in a coma with little hope of recovery. The injured partner's biological family was notified immediately. The man's partner of seven years wasn't notified for three days. When he was notified, he was told that he wouldn't be allowed in the hospital, would have no say in the removal of life support, no part in planning the funeral and wouldn't be welcome at the funeral. He had to wait several weeks, and then slip into the cemetery to say his good-byes. He could do nothing else because he had no legal standing.
The above tragedies involve people with whom I have had personal ties. They are not uncommon. Many of the everyday things to which heterosexual couples take for granted are denied to Gay and Lesbian couples. Yet, their commitment and love for each other has been no less real.
A public, official and legally recognized union would ensure the above injustices do not happen. It would give legal standing to their relationships and guarantee the same rights, privileges and responsibilities that others take for granted.
Granted there are some legal steps that Lesbian and Gay couples can take such as powers of attorney and wills. However, most states will still give precedent to the biological family. With a decent lawyer, usually these can be over-turned.
We've heard the arguments against Gay and Lesbian people. Those arguments are almost exclusively based on a particular interpretation of Scripture. That interpretation is not shared by all faiths or even all Christian denominations. Many churches already recognize Gay and Lesbian unions.
Others are divided o the issue. Those who disagree are entitled to that belief. No one is requiring them to enter into such a union. However, this country's basic principle of religious freedom and separation of church and state means that we cannot and should not make public policy based on the religious views of one group over another. Religious freedom is the cornerstone of democracy. Any threat to that freedom threatens democracy itself.
Given the hardships and tragedies that result from the current policy, it seems to me that the only decent thing to do is to allow Gay and Lesbian couples the opportunity and the right to publicly and legally declare their commitment one for another.
Recognizing people's love for one another can hardly be a threat to anyone. Incorporating bias and discrimination into the Constitution and limiting religious freedom is much more of a threat and a dangerous path for a nation that calls itself free.
Putting all the rhetoric and arguments aside, let us not forget that we are dealing with people's lives. These are our friends, neighbors, family members, co-workers and fellow citizens. Most are fine, decent, hardworking individuals who are just trying to make the American Dream work for them.
I've also learned that getting to know someone makes one more sympathetic and compassionate and leads to a greater understanding of their problems and aspirations. Which is why I want to explain why it is that Gay and Lesbian people want to pursue public, legally recognized unions - marriages if you will.
Besides the obvious desire for public commitment and recognition of their union of love, there are some legal problems, which could be resolved by such legal recognition. There are several incidents of which I am personally aware, which might shed some light and understanding on this.
When I was living on the East Coast, I knew a Lesbian couple who had been together for over 30 years. One of them died. After the death, the deceased's disapproving, biological family came and took everything. The house and other property had originally belonged to the deceased and everything had been left in her name. Thus, the surviving partner was left destitute. There was nothing she could do because she had no legal standing.
A good friend who lived on the West Coast had been in a relationship for several years when his partner became very ill. He was in intensive care and not expected to live. The hospital would not allow my friend to visit his partner because he wasn't considered immediate family. He had to file a lawsuit just to be able to visit. He had no legal standing.
When I was in Pennsylvania, I knew a couple who had been together for about seven years. One of them went to visit some friends in another state. While there, he was involved in a traffic accident and was left in a hospital in a coma with little hope of recovery. The injured partner's biological family was notified immediately. The man's partner of seven years wasn't notified for three days. When he was notified, he was told that he wouldn't be allowed in the hospital, would have no say in the removal of life support, no part in planning the funeral and wouldn't be welcome at the funeral. He had to wait several weeks, and then slip into the cemetery to say his good-byes. He could do nothing else because he had no legal standing.
The above tragedies involve people with whom I have had personal ties. They are not uncommon. Many of the everyday things to which heterosexual couples take for granted are denied to Gay and Lesbian couples. Yet, their commitment and love for each other has been no less real.
A public, official and legally recognized union would ensure the above injustices do not happen. It would give legal standing to their relationships and guarantee the same rights, privileges and responsibilities that others take for granted.
Granted there are some legal steps that Lesbian and Gay couples can take such as powers of attorney and wills. However, most states will still give precedent to the biological family. With a decent lawyer, usually these can be over-turned.
We've heard the arguments against Gay and Lesbian people. Those arguments are almost exclusively based on a particular interpretation of Scripture. That interpretation is not shared by all faiths or even all Christian denominations. Many churches already recognize Gay and Lesbian unions.
Others are divided o the issue. Those who disagree are entitled to that belief. No one is requiring them to enter into such a union. However, this country's basic principle of religious freedom and separation of church and state means that we cannot and should not make public policy based on the religious views of one group over another. Religious freedom is the cornerstone of democracy. Any threat to that freedom threatens democracy itself.
Given the hardships and tragedies that result from the current policy, it seems to me that the only decent thing to do is to allow Gay and Lesbian couples the opportunity and the right to publicly and legally declare their commitment one for another.
Recognizing people's love for one another can hardly be a threat to anyone. Incorporating bias and discrimination into the Constitution and limiting religious freedom is much more of a threat and a dangerous path for a nation that calls itself free.
Monday, January 14, 2008
So the governor would close the Adopt-A-Highway program rather than recognize a group of citizens who want to participate. If it's not worth a lawsuit, why not let them participate?
Maybe he knows the state would lose and South Dakota's underlying attitudes of bigotry and hatred would be exposed to the world.
There's a fundamental hypocrisy in this state's attitude and policies regarding gay and lesbian people. They are denied recognition for monogamous unions. Then, they are criticized for being promiscuous. They are denied public, healthy role models. Then, they're chastised when they grow up with negative attitudes towards themselves and others.
They are told that they are evil, immoral, deviate, abomination, mistakes, etc. Then the self-righteous puff up with moral indignation when gay and lesbian people internalize those attitudes and act accordingly.
Why do some gay and lesbian people have problems? The appropriate question is, why the majority of them don't.
When you deny people a place in the light, you have no right to criticize their struggle to survive in the shadows, or justification for outrage when they fight for their rightful place in the sun.
Maybe he knows the state would lose and South Dakota's underlying attitudes of bigotry and hatred would be exposed to the world.
There's a fundamental hypocrisy in this state's attitude and policies regarding gay and lesbian people. They are denied recognition for monogamous unions. Then, they are criticized for being promiscuous. They are denied public, healthy role models. Then, they're chastised when they grow up with negative attitudes towards themselves and others.
They are told that they are evil, immoral, deviate, abomination, mistakes, etc. Then the self-righteous puff up with moral indignation when gay and lesbian people internalize those attitudes and act accordingly.
Why do some gay and lesbian people have problems? The appropriate question is, why the majority of them don't.
When you deny people a place in the light, you have no right to criticize their struggle to survive in the shadows, or justification for outrage when they fight for their rightful place in the sun.
The Journal's recent Boy Scout editorial (June 22 Wall Street Journal Reprint) displays typical right-wing bigoted spin. No one is discriminating against the Boy Scouts.
To withhold support from an organization with which one disagrees is a basic right. The Boy Scouts have proclaimed themselves a private religious organization in order to protect their desire to discriminate based upon religion and sexual orientation. Based upon constitutional separation of church and state, they are no longer entitled to government support.
The core values promoted by the Boy Scouts are good and have helped a great many young men. But stating that simply because someone doesn't hold the same religious beliefs or happens to be homosexual, they can't hold those same core values is bigotry of the highest order. Bigotry is the singling out of a group or groups and declaring them to be morally or physically inferior based on who they are or what they believe.
That is not only wrong. It is un-American.
Being a private religious organization, the Boy Scouts can do whatever they want. It is their right.
But their current stand is harming what was once a great organization. And it is undermining the very values which have made it great.
To withhold support from an organization with which one disagrees is a basic right. The Boy Scouts have proclaimed themselves a private religious organization in order to protect their desire to discriminate based upon religion and sexual orientation. Based upon constitutional separation of church and state, they are no longer entitled to government support.
The core values promoted by the Boy Scouts are good and have helped a great many young men. But stating that simply because someone doesn't hold the same religious beliefs or happens to be homosexual, they can't hold those same core values is bigotry of the highest order. Bigotry is the singling out of a group or groups and declaring them to be morally or physically inferior based on who they are or what they believe.
That is not only wrong. It is un-American.
Being a private religious organization, the Boy Scouts can do whatever they want. It is their right.
But their current stand is harming what was once a great organization. And it is undermining the very values which have made it great.
The monotonous right-wing Clinton bashers' cries of draft dodger are amusing and inconsistent. (He's not the President any more you know.) Why aren't those same charges being leveled against other present and former members of congress who managed to avoid military service. (Many during Vietnam!) A short list includes Trent Lott, Dennis Hastert, Newt Gingrich, Tom Delay, etc. Partisan politics?
While I consider service in the National Guard to be noble and honorable, anyone of draft age during Vietnam knows it was seen as a safe way to fulfill one's military obligation without having to make any personal decision about the war.
I know from first hand experience that the guard was very difficult to join without connections. Dan Quayle and George W. Bush had those connections.
Those of us without connections had to decide whether to serve or to protest. Some of us chose service, others did not.
I've much more respect for those who made the decision than for those who avoided it.
I've no respect at all for those who, 30 year later, still play dirty partisan politics with the issue.
While I consider service in the National Guard to be noble and honorable, anyone of draft age during Vietnam knows it was seen as a safe way to fulfill one's military obligation without having to make any personal decision about the war.
I know from first hand experience that the guard was very difficult to join without connections. Dan Quayle and George W. Bush had those connections.
Those of us without connections had to decide whether to serve or to protest. Some of us chose service, others did not.
I've much more respect for those who made the decision than for those who avoided it.
I've no respect at all for those who, 30 year later, still play dirty partisan politics with the issue.
Friday, January 11, 2008
I've a more appropriate alternative to displaying the ten commandments. One commandment is at the heart of the world's great religions. (Except for those hung up on words and legalisms and unable to fathom the message.) It's the bedrock of Democracy and is also the Great Commandment of the New Covenant of the gospels. It's "Love thy Neighbor." Since love must be based on respect, let's display "Respect thy Neighbor" in schools, courtrooms and public places. Historically, wars, genocide, hatred, prejudice and intolerance have resulted from denial of this commandment. Mutual respect and tolerance can resolve most problems.
Christian(?) fundamentalists have gotten lost on the words and legalisms of Scripture, blaming problems on everything but the hardness of their own hearts. Those beliefs know no reality and are even at odds with it. Only through the love of the New Covenant of the Gospel can it be real. Accepting only those with whom we agree isn't love. It's narcissism. Nations can't be Christian. They're about earthly power. God's kingdom is not of this earth.
Judgemental, legalistic, money and power oriented beliefs failed to recognize Jesus 2,000 years ago and demanded His crucifixion. They still wouldn't recognize Him today.
Christian(?) fundamentalists have gotten lost on the words and legalisms of Scripture, blaming problems on everything but the hardness of their own hearts. Those beliefs know no reality and are even at odds with it. Only through the love of the New Covenant of the Gospel can it be real. Accepting only those with whom we agree isn't love. It's narcissism. Nations can't be Christian. They're about earthly power. God's kingdom is not of this earth.
Judgemental, legalistic, money and power oriented beliefs failed to recognize Jesus 2,000 years ago and demanded His crucifixion. They still wouldn't recognize Him today.
Another school tragedy! Fingers point! Judgements passed! Agendas confirmed! Journal headlines proclaim two young men evil. Thus the groundwork is set for the next tragedy.
When will the judgement passers, the self-righteous, the intolerant, bullies, harassers, name-callers and other thieves accept their share of responsibility for the tragedies they help create? Until they do, it'll continue and worsen.
Today the most segregated and intolerant institutions are religious. the rise of this type of school violence parallels the rise of narcissistic, intolerant religious extremism. Coincidence? When those who disagree or have differing views are seen as evil and when intolerance reduces people to an act, a belief or a characteristic, they are robbed of their value as a whole person. When others are seen as evil, having no value or importance, it's easy for those even more disturbed or self righteous to make a statement with someone else's life. Victims too often adopt the victimizer's intolerance.
Intolerance is a monster feeding on hate. Unless we stop feeding it, it'll destroy us. Non-judgemental, unconditional love, forgiveness, respect and tolerance are the moral absolutes of the Gospels.
When will the judgement passers, the self-righteous, the intolerant, bullies, harassers, name-callers and other thieves accept their share of responsibility for the tragedies they help create? Until they do, it'll continue and worsen.
Today the most segregated and intolerant institutions are religious. the rise of this type of school violence parallels the rise of narcissistic, intolerant religious extremism. Coincidence? When those who disagree or have differing views are seen as evil and when intolerance reduces people to an act, a belief or a characteristic, they are robbed of their value as a whole person. When others are seen as evil, having no value or importance, it's easy for those even more disturbed or self righteous to make a statement with someone else's life. Victims too often adopt the victimizer's intolerance.
Intolerance is a monster feeding on hate. Unless we stop feeding it, it'll destroy us. Non-judgemental, unconditional love, forgiveness, respect and tolerance are the moral absolutes of the Gospels.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Chad Orton's May 5 letter accused me of intolerance and attacking Christian faith for criticising fundamentalists' agendas.
First: He can't have it both ways. Advocating agendas of hatred, discrimination and intolerance and then, accusing as intolerant those who criticise those views is absurd and hypocritical.
Second: There is a difference between criticism and intolerance. Expressing one's views isn't the same as demonizing, discriminating and passing judgement. I respect his right to his beliefs no matter how irrational, unrealistic or absurd. However, he hasn't the right to employ legal or illegal coercion to limit the boundaries of other's beliefs. That threatens all faith.
Finally: I'm not attacking Christian faith. I'm defending it against those who wrap it around ignorance, fear, hatred, prejudice and inhibition; call it morality; then, use it to demonize, dehumanize, diminish and persecute others.
The Religious Reich hasn't a copyright on Christian faith. Ignorance, hatred and intolerance aren't moral absolutes or even Christian. Their vision of God's Kingdom on earth more closely resemble a vision of Hell. Remember the Inquisition! (The Anti-Christ will come in sheep's clothing.)
Given the earthly power they seek, what would they do with dissenters? And, what would they do about me?
First: He can't have it both ways. Advocating agendas of hatred, discrimination and intolerance and then, accusing as intolerant those who criticise those views is absurd and hypocritical.
Second: There is a difference between criticism and intolerance. Expressing one's views isn't the same as demonizing, discriminating and passing judgement. I respect his right to his beliefs no matter how irrational, unrealistic or absurd. However, he hasn't the right to employ legal or illegal coercion to limit the boundaries of other's beliefs. That threatens all faith.
Finally: I'm not attacking Christian faith. I'm defending it against those who wrap it around ignorance, fear, hatred, prejudice and inhibition; call it morality; then, use it to demonize, dehumanize, diminish and persecute others.
The Religious Reich hasn't a copyright on Christian faith. Ignorance, hatred and intolerance aren't moral absolutes or even Christian. Their vision of God's Kingdom on earth more closely resemble a vision of Hell. Remember the Inquisition! (The Anti-Christ will come in sheep's clothing.)
Given the earthly power they seek, what would they do with dissenters? And, what would they do about me?
Creation theory is irrelevant without the belief in the creator and the narrow-minded, rigid, literal misinterpretations of biblical allegory. It is a religious argument.
I deeply respect everyone's right to believe whatever they choose, be it the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, the world is flat or creationism. But trying to use public education or the violence of law to force those beliefs on others threatens religious freedom.
We are not the center of the universe. We live on a small planet in a minor galaxy in an infinite universe. Insignificant? Humility isn't just a virtue. It's acceptance of reality.
Only by respecting and celebrating our differences can we survive on this fragile, life-giving planet. the ethnocentric, self-righteous intolerance of the Religious Reich threatens the human race's ability to live together and survive. Christianity isn't a giant hammer for smashing everyone into the same mold. Indeed, the unconditional,non-judgemental love and respect found in the Gospels are the key to the physical survival and the spiritual elevation of the human race.
Finally, a question for the biblical literialists: If Adam and Eve were the first humans on earth, with whom did their children mate? Monkeys?
I deeply respect everyone's right to believe whatever they choose, be it the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, the world is flat or creationism. But trying to use public education or the violence of law to force those beliefs on others threatens religious freedom.
We are not the center of the universe. We live on a small planet in a minor galaxy in an infinite universe. Insignificant? Humility isn't just a virtue. It's acceptance of reality.
Only by respecting and celebrating our differences can we survive on this fragile, life-giving planet. the ethnocentric, self-righteous intolerance of the Religious Reich threatens the human race's ability to live together and survive. Christianity isn't a giant hammer for smashing everyone into the same mold. Indeed, the unconditional,non-judgemental love and respect found in the Gospels are the key to the physical survival and the spiritual elevation of the human race.
Finally, a question for the biblical literialists: If Adam and Eve were the first humans on earth, with whom did their children mate? Monkeys?
Monday, January 7, 2008
Letter to the Editor:
Recently, I've received volumes of unsigned, feel-good religious quotations. What's the point? Should I be lulled to sleep by meaningless rhetoric? How can Christians find peace while others suffer. How can Christians find contentment while subverting the Bible to demonize those who disagree with their self-serving, hateful interpretations? How can Christians claim to know Jesus while passing judgement and propagating hate?
Hate groups are growing and finding refuge within the religious right. Coincidence? Their quest for money and power blinds them to the gospel's primary message of unconditional, nonjudgmental love and respect. How can you claim to love others while denying their right to think for themselves? How can you have all the answers when you've never listened to the questions?
Love, respect and forgiveness are the lights that will redeem the world. People aren't saved by preaching. They're saved by listening, loving and forgiving. God's Love is not a noun. It is a verb!
If there is an Anti-Christ, he's preaching his judgemental Gospel of hate from the pulpit. He's gathering earthly wealth and power unto himself while pacifying the flock with pointless, feel-good theological rhetoric.
Recently, I've received volumes of unsigned, feel-good religious quotations. What's the point? Should I be lulled to sleep by meaningless rhetoric? How can Christians find peace while others suffer. How can Christians find contentment while subverting the Bible to demonize those who disagree with their self-serving, hateful interpretations? How can Christians claim to know Jesus while passing judgement and propagating hate?
Hate groups are growing and finding refuge within the religious right. Coincidence? Their quest for money and power blinds them to the gospel's primary message of unconditional, nonjudgmental love and respect. How can you claim to love others while denying their right to think for themselves? How can you have all the answers when you've never listened to the questions?
Love, respect and forgiveness are the lights that will redeem the world. People aren't saved by preaching. They're saved by listening, loving and forgiving. God's Love is not a noun. It is a verb!
If there is an Anti-Christ, he's preaching his judgemental Gospel of hate from the pulpit. He's gathering earthly wealth and power unto himself while pacifying the flock with pointless, feel-good theological rhetoric.
Letter to the Editor:
Keith Rhudy's (Jan. 25) letter on racism and evolution is a classic example of using ignorance to defend ignorance. It points out the need for teaching basic logic in school.
Prejudice and racism were around long before Darwin. While some may use it to justify racism, certainly it's not the cause. Prejudice and racism are rooted in the political and economic domination of one group by another and using belief systems to justify dominant group superiority.
Evolution's a theory based on fact and observation. It can change as fact and observations change. Religion's a belief system based upon assumptions which can't be proven. Often religious groups deny fact and observation to protect religious beliefs.
Religion justified the systematic destruction of whole cultures and the subjugation of its peoples for political and economic gain. As long as one group feels it is superior to another it will attempt to justify its greed and thirst for power. Religion is usually the tool.
From the Spanish disregard for the peoples of the New World to the religious right of today, Christianity's been used to justify political and economic power and greed and the resulting racism and prejudice.
Keith Rhudy's (Jan. 25) letter on racism and evolution is a classic example of using ignorance to defend ignorance. It points out the need for teaching basic logic in school.
Prejudice and racism were around long before Darwin. While some may use it to justify racism, certainly it's not the cause. Prejudice and racism are rooted in the political and economic domination of one group by another and using belief systems to justify dominant group superiority.
Evolution's a theory based on fact and observation. It can change as fact and observations change. Religion's a belief system based upon assumptions which can't be proven. Often religious groups deny fact and observation to protect religious beliefs.
Religion justified the systematic destruction of whole cultures and the subjugation of its peoples for political and economic gain. As long as one group feels it is superior to another it will attempt to justify its greed and thirst for power. Religion is usually the tool.
From the Spanish disregard for the peoples of the New World to the religious right of today, Christianity's been used to justify political and economic power and greed and the resulting racism and prejudice.
Christianity About Money (RC Journal Dec. 14, 1998)
Letter to the Editor:
Christmas time makes me wonder how we have arrived at the self-serving, judgemental, "give me" Christianity of today. Jesus was a man of peace, love and compassion who rejected possessions and power. Now, Christianity is about money and power.
Money is given to "charities" so we needn't associate with the needy. "It's their fault they're poor." Good works are done so we "feel good" or for publicity. If there's a sacrifice, risk or discomfort involved, forget it.
Christ condemned those attitudes. The religious leaders crucified him as a threat to their power and greed.
The Bible shows God's Word. But, it is written in the words of man. Man's words are deceitful and easily twisted to justify greed, hatred and religious exploitation. God's Word can not be expressed in man's words. God is Love and only through love can we spread His Word. (That's love the verb not the noun.)
Preachers do not spread the Word of God. Lovers do! To spread God's word, forget money, words and power. Open up your heart. Reach out. Give of yourself, bringing others into your life. Stop hiding the light of love under the basket of self serving, feel good, empty theological rhetoric.
Christmas time makes me wonder how we have arrived at the self-serving, judgemental, "give me" Christianity of today. Jesus was a man of peace, love and compassion who rejected possessions and power. Now, Christianity is about money and power.
Money is given to "charities" so we needn't associate with the needy. "It's their fault they're poor." Good works are done so we "feel good" or for publicity. If there's a sacrifice, risk or discomfort involved, forget it.
Christ condemned those attitudes. The religious leaders crucified him as a threat to their power and greed.
The Bible shows God's Word. But, it is written in the words of man. Man's words are deceitful and easily twisted to justify greed, hatred and religious exploitation. God's Word can not be expressed in man's words. God is Love and only through love can we spread His Word. (That's love the verb not the noun.)
Preachers do not spread the Word of God. Lovers do! To spread God's word, forget money, words and power. Open up your heart. Reach out. Give of yourself, bringing others into your life. Stop hiding the light of love under the basket of self serving, feel good, empty theological rhetoric.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
THE BOX (1972)
The recreation room of millions is a small and tiny box.
Each has his where he crawls inside to fantasize
And forget about the clocks.
For all you people reading this, if sex you had envisioned,
That may be the recreation room for you,
But I meant to write about the television.
Both are very much the same I guess.
For in each we do regress.
Oh, take me back to Momma's womb
And let me crawl inside.
For when I die who needs a tomb,
If in it I can hide.
But sex is active in that you can believe.
For when it comes, what explosions it does leave.
And TV it is passive. Let others do the work.
We'll grow fat and lazy. Work is for those jerks.
But both break down and some don't work,
Not even when we pound and jerk.
But what could be more safe than that li'l ole' TV?
Whoever heard of that thing giving you VD?
But give me those explosion,
those pants and squeaks and crys.
For when I go home for good,
I don't want to synthesize!
Each has his where he crawls inside to fantasize
And forget about the clocks.
For all you people reading this, if sex you had envisioned,
That may be the recreation room for you,
But I meant to write about the television.
Both are very much the same I guess.
For in each we do regress.
Oh, take me back to Momma's womb
And let me crawl inside.
For when I die who needs a tomb,
If in it I can hide.
But sex is active in that you can believe.
For when it comes, what explosions it does leave.
And TV it is passive. Let others do the work.
We'll grow fat and lazy. Work is for those jerks.
But both break down and some don't work,
Not even when we pound and jerk.
But what could be more safe than that li'l ole' TV?
Whoever heard of that thing giving you VD?
But give me those explosion,
those pants and squeaks and crys.
For when I go home for good,
I don't want to synthesize!
I was born poor with no lock on my door.
The fields were my playground.
My neighbors wore fur.
In them no hatred was found.
The peace of the night, the sweat of the day,
No need to know the difference twixt working and play.
Enjoying existence all becomes play.
With this frame of mind I enter this time.
It seems that life has no reason
Existence no rhyme.
I work for the sick to help cure the well.
Ignorance gives orders.
Competence obeys.
What life is this when happiness is found in getting away?
I knew how to love.
You taught me to hate.
I wanted to help.
You said I should kill.
You gave me my freedom
To follow your will.
You taint all you touch
With anger and hatred and your gold braided crutch.
If expertise were caused by gold bars and braid,
Would we not all be issued them on the day we were made?
What a fine world that would be;
All experts at all.
Could we all then be free?
Or would we then all be slaves
to the bars and the braid?
I've worked hard for your system.
You complain of my hair.
I cut my hair.
You complain of my clothes.
I change my clothes.
Now, you complain of what's in my mind.
Well, I've got news for you mister.
You mess with my head and you're gonna find
Some thing's missing in yours turning up in mine.
I've not sold my soul to the gold and the braid.
That crap won't tell me of what I am made.
I'm built on emotions only I can control.
I love my freedom to live as a man.
I'll not do as you.
I'll not live a life that others decide.
I'll not sell my soul to this system of hatred and genocide.
So you continue to do as you've been.
My time is short in this sin.
Then you can destroy
And I'll help to build
A country where you're not allowed
With your gold and your braid.
The battle is brewing.
A war is a hand.
But, I'll choose the time and the place.
Then stripped of your crutch
We'll meet man to man.
Then we'll see just where you stand.
The hatred you taught me will be turned against you.
The emotions I control will be unleashed against you.
So keep up the work.
For the seeds that you sow
Add souls to my army
And then you we'll destroy.
The fields were my playground.
My neighbors wore fur.
In them no hatred was found.
The peace of the night, the sweat of the day,
No need to know the difference twixt working and play.
Enjoying existence all becomes play.
With this frame of mind I enter this time.
It seems that life has no reason
Existence no rhyme.
I work for the sick to help cure the well.
Ignorance gives orders.
Competence obeys.
What life is this when happiness is found in getting away?
I knew how to love.
You taught me to hate.
I wanted to help.
You said I should kill.
You gave me my freedom
To follow your will.
You taint all you touch
With anger and hatred and your gold braided crutch.
If expertise were caused by gold bars and braid,
Would we not all be issued them on the day we were made?
What a fine world that would be;
All experts at all.
Could we all then be free?
Or would we then all be slaves
to the bars and the braid?
I've worked hard for your system.
You complain of my hair.
I cut my hair.
You complain of my clothes.
I change my clothes.
Now, you complain of what's in my mind.
Well, I've got news for you mister.
You mess with my head and you're gonna find
Some thing's missing in yours turning up in mine.
I've not sold my soul to the gold and the braid.
That crap won't tell me of what I am made.
I'm built on emotions only I can control.
I love my freedom to live as a man.
I'll not do as you.
I'll not live a life that others decide.
I'll not sell my soul to this system of hatred and genocide.
So you continue to do as you've been.
My time is short in this sin.
Then you can destroy
And I'll help to build
A country where you're not allowed
With your gold and your braid.
The battle is brewing.
A war is a hand.
But, I'll choose the time and the place.
Then stripped of your crutch
We'll meet man to man.
Then we'll see just where you stand.
The hatred you taught me will be turned against you.
The emotions I control will be unleashed against you.
So keep up the work.
For the seeds that you sow
Add souls to my army
And then you we'll destroy.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
I saw you again today, but we passed without a word. I would like to love you if only I could get to know you. We shared our bodies in the dark last night. Who are you? Why can't we talk? Why are you afraid of me? Why do I fear you? Our bodies are as electrical magnets activating with the absence of the sun. Small talk passes time but still I don't know you. I long to reach inside you, to embrace your soul, to hold it close to me. I want it to enmesh with mine and together embrace the world. But an invisible barrier keeps me alone, apart and away from you, whoever you are.
In the daylight we struggle at survival. We put on a mask of respectability and play at the game of power. At night a different game is played with a different mask. And, once again, we come together in physical ecstasy. Physically satisfied, we part. But the emotions scream "This is not enough;" weeping, struggling, we change masks. Forever are we asking why must we part? Why do we fear? Why can not our minds join in the ecstasy our bodies share? Why must we pass in silence in the light of day? Why? Why? I could love you if only I knew you. You could love me if you knew me.
But, the problem is fear. Not the fear of physical abuse or even death, if that were the case, we would not frequent the places of the night. No, it is a fear that goes much deeper, cutting to the very essence of my being. It is the fear of being found wanting, of not measuring up, of being less than a man.
From birth my path was laid out with the indoctrination of how a man is to act; don't' cry, maintain control, succeed, be number one. Women are there for your pleasure and to take care of you. Men are your competition. You have to be better than your brother. Show him weakness and he'll take advantage of it and he will win. Sex is a game. Conquering for pleasure is the aim and power is the prize.
Power! Yes! Power is the goal. To have power is to be a man. Man is power and the more power you have the more you are a man.
Pleasure, material wealth and luxury are the rewards for the man with power.
For more years than I care to count I have followed that carrot on a stick called power. More than anything I wanted the privilege of being called a man. I've held in tears until I thought I would burst. I've struggled to stay in control and be strong even though inside I was trembling and yearned to be weak and let go.
I played the game and told tall tales of my conquests in the sport of heterosexuality. And, I struggled against men, all the while wanting to reach out, to embrace them and to open up to them. But that would have been weakness and threatened my power as a man. I could not bear to give up the power and status of being considered a man.
Because we gay men are so used to acting, we act even among ourselves. We play out roles that are defined by our relationship to the straight man. Even in our havens he defines our existence. The roles we act out are macho and camp.
Macho acts out the straight man's bravado, his arrogance at having power and control. It is the conquering hero laying waste to all in his path. But our act is a pretense, a hollow shell. We are denied access to power. We are denied the substance of manhood defined by the straight man.
Camp capitulates manhood and states that we don't want it. In its extreme it assumes the attributes and status of the stereotyped female, a role women themselves are attempting to overcome. Camp allows straight men to stereotype us, find us amazing, insult us at will and to demonstrate to one and all their power over "faggots."
Where do I fit in? Where is my place in society? I don't want to play games and take up false roles which insult my existence as a whole human being. So, here I sit, sexually satisfied and emotionally famished. I've played the game, but, I don't fit. We're struggling to get out of the closet, but, we've enlarged it; tea rooms on a larger scale. I'm a schizophrenic living out two lives. Half of me has access to power. Am I a man? Why do I feel so empty? I've followed your carrot, but my reward is hollow. The straight man stands there laughing, as empty as I, but he defines the world in relation to his own empty manhood. He has institutionalized my closet.
Tonight it will end. I stand here waiting, waiting for you. I am going to reach out to you, empty my soul that you might know me. I want to know you. I want to love you. I want you to love me.
You are coming. I am excited. Tonight we will know and we will love each other. Tonight we will be ourselves and the straight man be damned. But wait. Why are you passing me by? Do we not still attract? Why are you going to that young god in the corner? Is it not I who wants to love you? I want to be more than a body. I want to know you, to love you and for you to know me.
In the dark I feel loneliness and panic. But, it slowly turns to anger and the anger to rage. Mr. Straight man what have you done to me? No more!! From this day forward I vow to bring down your power. I will reach out to my Gay brothers and to my Lesbian sisters, and to straight women and we will bring your power down. We will all share in that power. We will wring from it the suspicion, hate, greed and lust which you have allowed to fester within it. And once again, my brother, I will know you and you me. And we will love again. And we will help the straight man to live with his greatest fear. That fear is that we live inside him. Then, they might know and love themselves and all of us.
In the daylight we struggle at survival. We put on a mask of respectability and play at the game of power. At night a different game is played with a different mask. And, once again, we come together in physical ecstasy. Physically satisfied, we part. But the emotions scream "This is not enough;" weeping, struggling, we change masks. Forever are we asking why must we part? Why do we fear? Why can not our minds join in the ecstasy our bodies share? Why must we pass in silence in the light of day? Why? Why? I could love you if only I knew you. You could love me if you knew me.
But, the problem is fear. Not the fear of physical abuse or even death, if that were the case, we would not frequent the places of the night. No, it is a fear that goes much deeper, cutting to the very essence of my being. It is the fear of being found wanting, of not measuring up, of being less than a man.
From birth my path was laid out with the indoctrination of how a man is to act; don't' cry, maintain control, succeed, be number one. Women are there for your pleasure and to take care of you. Men are your competition. You have to be better than your brother. Show him weakness and he'll take advantage of it and he will win. Sex is a game. Conquering for pleasure is the aim and power is the prize.
Power! Yes! Power is the goal. To have power is to be a man. Man is power and the more power you have the more you are a man.
Pleasure, material wealth and luxury are the rewards for the man with power.
For more years than I care to count I have followed that carrot on a stick called power. More than anything I wanted the privilege of being called a man. I've held in tears until I thought I would burst. I've struggled to stay in control and be strong even though inside I was trembling and yearned to be weak and let go.
I played the game and told tall tales of my conquests in the sport of heterosexuality. And, I struggled against men, all the while wanting to reach out, to embrace them and to open up to them. But that would have been weakness and threatened my power as a man. I could not bear to give up the power and status of being considered a man.
Because we gay men are so used to acting, we act even among ourselves. We play out roles that are defined by our relationship to the straight man. Even in our havens he defines our existence. The roles we act out are macho and camp.
Macho acts out the straight man's bravado, his arrogance at having power and control. It is the conquering hero laying waste to all in his path. But our act is a pretense, a hollow shell. We are denied access to power. We are denied the substance of manhood defined by the straight man.
Camp capitulates manhood and states that we don't want it. In its extreme it assumes the attributes and status of the stereotyped female, a role women themselves are attempting to overcome. Camp allows straight men to stereotype us, find us amazing, insult us at will and to demonstrate to one and all their power over "faggots."
Where do I fit in? Where is my place in society? I don't want to play games and take up false roles which insult my existence as a whole human being. So, here I sit, sexually satisfied and emotionally famished. I've played the game, but, I don't fit. We're struggling to get out of the closet, but, we've enlarged it; tea rooms on a larger scale. I'm a schizophrenic living out two lives. Half of me has access to power. Am I a man? Why do I feel so empty? I've followed your carrot, but my reward is hollow. The straight man stands there laughing, as empty as I, but he defines the world in relation to his own empty manhood. He has institutionalized my closet.
Tonight it will end. I stand here waiting, waiting for you. I am going to reach out to you, empty my soul that you might know me. I want to know you. I want to love you. I want you to love me.
You are coming. I am excited. Tonight we will know and we will love each other. Tonight we will be ourselves and the straight man be damned. But wait. Why are you passing me by? Do we not still attract? Why are you going to that young god in the corner? Is it not I who wants to love you? I want to be more than a body. I want to know you, to love you and for you to know me.
In the dark I feel loneliness and panic. But, it slowly turns to anger and the anger to rage. Mr. Straight man what have you done to me? No more!! From this day forward I vow to bring down your power. I will reach out to my Gay brothers and to my Lesbian sisters, and to straight women and we will bring your power down. We will all share in that power. We will wring from it the suspicion, hate, greed and lust which you have allowed to fester within it. And once again, my brother, I will know you and you me. And we will love again. And we will help the straight man to live with his greatest fear. That fear is that we live inside him. Then, they might know and love themselves and all of us.
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